3 Things That Makes The Rich Wealthy!

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In the quest of trying to get rich, I took my time to study the lifestyle of the very rich and how they made it to that very top. We cannot deny the fact that money plays a central role in our day to day life. Books like "think and grow rich" "rich dad poor dad" "the power of money" and lots more have become best sellers! I read almost all of these books and can sum up all the ideas in 3 practical words:


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Facebook was an idea to create a social platform where people can relate and today it's a company worth billions of dollars, most of the rich people during an interview always related their desire to an idea! The money was not really the motivation but the idea and the need to contribute and be significant. The money later follows the idea.

Every wealth empire had it's foundation from an idea, without an idea, there is really no reason for making money. IDEA IS WHAT MAKES THE MONEY!

This idea is mostly born from a specific passion. The rich always love what they do, they have fun doing it and they make money from their fun. Research shows that people make more money from what they call fun than what they call profession. This is why gifts, talents, and skills fetch more money than a university degree

  1. INVESTMENT (use your money to make more money)!

Saving money is an old rule of money, inv stent is the new rule of making money! Why keep your money in the bank when you can use it to earn more money?

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Your money grows by investment. Today there are millions of places you can invest your money in. You can invest your money also in ideas and skills to become more valuable and earn more money. Education is an investment, acquiring new skills is an investment, it might not necessarily be in stocks, bonds, and all that. You can invest in businesses also, today, crytocurrency is sweeping the continents, you can take new risk to earn more. The rich invest always!

  1. CHARITY! This last part seems odd, it's like loosing all what you've made but that's not true. Look at the rich, they are investing their money in philanthropy. They want to give because they understand that there is a law of increase and that law is hidden in the principle of giving. GIVERS NEVER LACK. today, every wealthy person wants to have a foundation or a charity. images (3).jpg

Giving wins people to you! It gives you the opportunity to contribute to the world. It helps you to touch lives and help the less privilege. You can give scholarships, support a scientific research to find the cure of cancer and all that, you can feed a nation, help the homeless and needy in Africa. There is so much more you can do with your money and be fulfilled. The richest of men is the one who can alleviate the sufferings of others. 90d92328628c3b399af4437f8cf8a52d.jpg

You can put a smile on someone or save a life just because you gave from your riches. GET RICH THROUGH GIVING

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