Diversify Out of the Dollar!

The U.S. dollar is in trouble.

The dollar has been the world reserve currency for decades. World reserve currency status is very important to a currency and the country that holds it. It has allowed to the U.S. to print money in order to support its excessive spending, debt accumulation, and lifestyle while exporting its inflation to the rest of the world. The world is waking up to this fact. Countries like Russia and China have created trade agreements between themselves to allow for trade within their own currencies bypassing the dollar. Is this why there is so much aggressive talk against those nations? If you look at the enemy list of the U.S., they only involve countries that either have no central bank or are bypassing the dollar for trade. Is this why America is at constant war in order to protect the U.S. dollar's world reserve currency status?

Not only is America awash in debt, but so is the world! There has never been a time in history where so much debt has been created. It is not possible for this to end well. Not only is the world flooded with massive debt, but the entire banking system is highly leveraged with derivatives. If you have not heard of derivatives, you owe it to yourself and your family to learn about it. There are about $500+ trillion worth of derivatives that the world financial institutions hold. These are highly leveraged bets analogous to Las Vegas casinos where banks use your deposited money to place these risky "investments". Derivatives are what caused the 2008 market crash. The banksters were able to contain the meltdown at that time, but will they be able to contain the next one where debt and deriviatves are higher than they were in 2008? I don't think so. In fact, debt and derivatives are higher than all assets held by all multinational banks.

Our entire banking system is a total fraud. It starts with the central bank that creates money out of thin air and loans it to the government at interest. You must ask yourself, why can't the U.S. Treasury do this themselves? Why do they need a private central bank to create money for them? Who benefits? The owners of the private Federal Reserve that's who.

Fractional Reserve Banking allows banks to create money out of nothing. They only keep 10% of your deposits on hand and can loan out nine times that in new loans. Do you see how overleveraged the system is? This is why banks fear bank runs and place limits on withdrawals. Think about the poor bastard that takes out a 30-year home mortgage, which I have been there. The bank just creates this money out of thin air by making an accounting entry in the books. The new mortgage debtor is now a debt slave and must bust his or her ass for 30 years paying back money and interest that was created out of nothing.

All markets are manipulated and controlled until they lose control. Many market bubbles are popping up everywhere. The stock market is at all time highs. Is it sustainable? The short answer is no. If you are a trader, you can make money in this market whether it goes up or down. However, I believe that people are being lured into the markets. The banksters want as much money in the markets as possible before they pull the plug and we have a repeat of 2008. People know things are not right. Why do you think crypto currencies have taken off? People are looking for diversification outside of the banking system. Many people see the writing on the wall. Cryptos certainly have a place in ones diversification.

Precious metals are another asset class that deserve one's attention. Gold and silver have been money for thousands of years. The Bible mentions gold and silver hundreds of time throughout when discussing money. The Egyptian pharaohs carried their wealth into the next life with gold and silver. Gold and silver have an inherent value to them unlike fiat currency. It takes energy and labor to bring them out of the ground. They are finite and cannot be printed out of thin air like fiat currencies. Why do you think governments and bankers hate them so? Hold a gold or silver coin in your hand and you will know what real money feels like.

So what is the average person to do in order to protect themselves and their families? The answer is to diversify out of the U.S. dollar and the banking system! Take some of your paper assets which can one day disappear like a fart in the wind and put them into assets like gold, silver, and crypto-currencies. By doing so, you are taking money out of the corrupt banking system and eliminating your third party risk and risk of loss to the dollar's purchasing power. The dollar will one day lose world reserve currency status and when it does - look out below! Everything people worked for their entire lives will be gone.

Do not let it happen to you! Wealth does not die, it only transfers to those holding the right asset.

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