The Dollar is TANKING, Whats next!??

The story on wall-street besides the stockmarket sky rocketing and cryptocurrencies, is that the US dollar is tanking.
Is this good or bad? Well, its bad in the sense that everyone who owns or gets paid in US dollars is losing buying power by the day. But the good is that a decline in the dollar is actually very PRO the stock market and economy, why you ask?
Because it takes more of your dollars to buy shares, which equals more money in the market. Another reason why the US dollar is taking a hit is because the rise of Cryptocurrency. Alot of money, and i mean ALOT, is going into cryptocurrencies. The reason cryptocurrencies are going gangbusters is because the world is getting closer to believe that the federal reserve is destined to destroy the dollar. They believe, as the debt continues to rise and more dollars continue to be printed, the US dollar gets smashed in value and eventually will be worth nothing. Cryptocurrency is so popular for that reason, no one can just go and pint cryptocurrency depreciating the value for it. And it can be used globally.
Food for thought.

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