Don't Condemn People for Learning About Money

I have been reading a lot of finance books lately because as what Benjamin Franklin had said, “The only thing that is more expensive than education is ignorance”. This is a field that we were not really taught in school - and yet affects us profoundly. I cannot tell you why this crucial subject (not to mention sensitive - for reasons I am not sure) has not been taught in schools. This should have been taught together with GMRC ( In the Philippines - well at least when I was in grade school there’s a subject called “Good Manners and Right Conduct) in fact. Most of the problems in this world can be solve by money and yet we are not taught how to make/manage money. We are taught that money is the root of all evil, and so we try to stay clear of talking about it, and yet we do most of the things that we do now because of it or the lack of it. Just because you do not acknowledge something doesn’t make it not exist. Just because you think the world is flat, doesn’t mean that the world is flat.
Not talking about money doesn’t necessarily mean staying away from it. We should be able to talk freely about it and not feel guilty about doing so. Let’s say money is the root of all evil, then like diseases we should learn more about it instead of simply staying away from it.

This is what I mean. For example, the world finds out there’s a new disease. The government's next move isn’t really to “stay away” or not talk about it. In fact, they assign teams that are capable of learning about what this new diseases is. This team will figure out what this disease can do, and how to be safe from it. They come up with vaccines and medicines to help cure existing affected people.

If you really think money is evil, shouldn’t you be learning more about it and consider how it can be evil? What are the effects of it’s evilness?
Let’s step away from good and evil for now.

I keep hearing people telling me that my family will take care of me if something bad happens to me. In all it’s good intention, why would I want my family to go through that if I can make a way for them to do it with more dignity and respect? I mean c’mon! Why? I’m a strong capable person. Shouldn’t people be learning more about how they learn their ABCs and additions and takeaways?

My point is this. Don’t condemn someone to being “evil” or greedy for trying to take care of their family. If they made a choice to learn more about it so that their family won’t have to have a horrible experience if something bad happens, shouldn’t they be looked up to. Don’t condemn someone who wants to make sure their hard earned money is taking care of everyone and helping them to enjoy life.

Money isn’t everything but remember that money can send someone to school. Money can help save a life. Money can help your family. Don’t take it for granted. Don’t use it on “evil” things. Don’t waste it on things that will not help you become a better human.

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