Movies about finance and trading

Wall Street (1987)
The main film about traders in the history of cinematography. The story about insider trading, greed and choice. Gordon Gekko, became an example for imitation of the thousands of young people who came to Wall Street to earn their million.!

Rogue Trader (1999)
A large and highly respected bank, "Barings" took on the work of Nick Leeson, a young savvy specialist. To solve all problems in one fell swoop, he was instructed to take account of assets and simultaneously conduct trades on the stock exchange.
However, soon, blinded by his first successes and fabulous earnings, Nick makes several serious mistakes, losing huge sums. Seeking to hide his failure, the clever banker devises a cunning scam, which deeper and deeper drags him into a mire of lies, black financial schemes and forgery, from which, it seems, he can not escape.

Barbarians At The Gate (1993)
Former seller of newspapers in Canadian Winnipeg, now executive director of a large New York tobacco company. Another advertising project seems doomed to failure, and he plans to buy up all shares at a low price and become the owner of the firm. He would have succeeded if it had not been for Henry Kravitz, with his cousin George Roberts. The rivalry is getting stronger, and the company RJR Nabisco is threatening a coup.

The big short (2015)
This is a real-life story of several visionaries who, independently of one another, predicted the global economic crisis of 2008 long before they whispered about him on Wall Street. And predicted, began to earn on it. They do not want to.

The Wolf of Wall Street (2013)
Martin Scorsese, Leonardo DiCaprio, mountains of money, drugs, sex, fear, despair, happiness. All this together. At once. The film will tell the story of the trader, and now the writer and consultant - Jordan Belfort.

The Pursuit of Happyness (2006)
Chris Gardner is a single father. Bringing up a five-year-old son, Chris does his best to make the child grow up happy. Working as a seller, he can not pay the apartment, and they are evicted.
Once on the street, but not willing to give up, the father arranges an intern in a brokerage company, hoping to get a position of a specialist. Only during the internship he will not receive any money, and the internship lasts 6 months ...

Money Never Sleeps (2010)
Gordon Gekko served time for fraud with securities. He joins forces with the future son-in-law, Jacob, trying to build a relationship with Winnie's daughter. At the same time, Gekko helps Jacob take revenge on the man who bankrupted his mentor's company.

Boiler Room (2000)
If you have ever been engaged in sales or telemarketing, you are all familiar with this.

Glengarry Glen Ross (1992)
In the smoky office experienced dealers day and night are fighting for precious customers who want to buy land. The firm receives more and more new offers, but will get the prize only the best. Competition is exacerbated.
But when unknown criminals enter the office and kidnap important documents, the situation takes an unexpected turn. Now everything is under suspicion, because each of these cold-blooded, ruthless Americans has an excuse for theft ...

American Psycho (2000)
Patrick Bateman, performed by Christian Bale, is a professional with Wall Street, who is gradually losing his mind.

Margin Call (2011)
September, 2008. The global economic crisis has already begun, but America does not yet know what disaster is ahead, and only a group of top-managers on Wall Street are looking for a recipe for salvation. These were the worst hours in their life ...

Quants: The Alchemists Of Wall Street (2010)
This 45-minute documentary is devoted to the work of analysts from Wall Street.

The Pit (2010)
Veterans of trading discuss their career and its completion.

The Associate (1996)
Financial analyst Laurel Iris is smart, capable and talented in everything .. as for money. It would seem that our heroine has all the data to succeed, climbing the career ladder of Wall Street. But in the business world, as elsewhere, terrible prejudices reign, and Laurel loses hope for further progress because of her fellow racist Frank.
It is this sad circumstance that prompts it to dramatically change its path to financial Olympus! She is developing an ingenious but risky plan to create the impression that her business partner is an important person (naturally, a white man!) In a world of big money.

Wall Street Warriors (2006)
Wall Street Warriors-s1-3-poster.jpg
A documentary series about how to make money on Wall Street. The creators of the film allow us to look at the everyday lives of people who create whole states during the day and see how many ways these results are achieved.

A Good Year (2006)
A trader from London, an insanely smart, lucky manager and part-time big bore inherits the winery in Provence. Upon arrival in France, he discovers that, in addition to him, there are still people claiming his rightful ownership. A chain of incredible events and discoveries will force him to take a fresh look at the true values of this world ...

Enron: The Smartest Guys In The Room (2005)
Enron is one of the largest US corporations. Its collapse took place during the year. The destruction of one company has suffered a huge wave of both financial dramas and human tragedies.

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