Let's Talk—A Realistic Take On What Can Money Do For You and Me!

I'm highly self-motivated and driven by passion but earning money inspires me to push myself harder. Haven't you observed how money can push us to take risks, stick it out in monotonous employment and yet inspire us to give that extra, perhaps even inspire others! It empowers us, enables charity, and even makes us happy. Our world spins around money, and if truth be told %99.99 of us cannot do without it.


On a chat with a dear friend I was asked what I was going to do with all the money I've been earning from blogging off late. I said I'm saving up for some very special things. Being a wise old sage and an elderly gentleman he told me that whenever I got around to spending some of it, I must do it on experiences and things that matter the most to me, and maybe even help make a difference. I was in agreement and this is what we discussed.

Spend On Experiences

It's great if we could buy whatever we wanted but if we could buy incredible experiences, we'd remember them for the rest of our lives and these stories never get old. Over the years as I earned some money, I invested most of it into traveling around my country, building new relationships along the way, sharing stories, and creating infinite memories. It also allowed me to travel to Europe and experience all that @steemfest had to offer!

With my friends @roelandp and the Firepower Crew!

Looking back at the past 10 years I know I've made some right choices in spending on travelling and experiencing new things out there. But this is just me. If I could spend my money on expensive objects today, I'd buy an old 80 Series Landcruiser from the 90s or a new KTM Enduro motorcycle if I could ever ride again. Set them up for an overland adventure, hit the road and never look back!

Material objects always lose their charm after a while and sooner or later you are going to get bored with it and start thinking of the next thing. It could happen in year or overnight. Go out with some friends and experience all that the world has to offer you! You'll never regret that!

Spend On Your Closest Family and Friends

I don't mean to propose that you should splurge on your family and friends all the time but you can always take your close ones out for a dinner or two and spend your time with them. It won't cost you a lot of money but will make everyone happy. I love going out to dinners with my closest friends and my parents whenever possible. Even if I'm really busy I still make time. It's great to come back home with a full stomach, everlasting smiles and great new memories.

My step-dad, Mom @geetharao and me from our lunch last week. Took them to @madnomad's fancy restaurant in town!

Recently, I was dining with two of my buddies @sanjayjkamath and another friend, also a steemit user. It was late evening and he found out about a family emergency and needed help in arranging tickets to fly out of the city early morning. I was glad that for once in my life I didn't have to worry about money and could help my friend just as many of my friends have stood by me offering moral support in the past.

I told him without hesitation that i'll book his tickets. It was around 11PM and I booked 3 flight tickets for him and his brothers to travel to their destination.

I've also donated a little over $1000 from my earnings to certain social causes and NGOs in the past month because I felt that was a better use case for my money. Even as I was cash strapped for many years growing up in a low-middle-income Indian household, I always felt when the time comes, I will elevate myself to a position where I'm able to help my friends and family. Especially, if they are in a genuine need, and the situation calls for an immediate financial intervention.

Spend On Your Self

Never hesitate to splurge a little every now and then on your whims and fancies but don't let them ruin your financial planning, mental or physical health.

These days I love trying out various new cuisines and generally eat out a fair bit but never allow my bills to get to an absurd amount or run me into debt. My monthly expenditure is usually under 10% of my monthly earnings and sometimes it may get up-to 20% but I try to save and re-invest at-least 80% of my income.

@aishwarya sent me this gift, a painting of my face with my quote on the right when I was hospitalised in February.

I love travelling and I'm always saving on the side and adding to my travel fund. It's okay if you want to go out once in a few months and shop something for yourself. There's no need to feel guilty about it. As long as you aren't in debt and don't owe anything to anyone, you are within your rights to do anything you want with your money. But never shed responsibilities towards your family or whoever you deem closest to you.

Blow Up Some Money With Others

Plan an exciting trip with your friends and you'll thank me if you do it. Whether it goes as planned or not (life does that sometimes) you'd be thankful that you choose to spend your time wisely with people who matter to you and those who deem you special in their lives. Identify such people if you haven't already and go nuts with them! You could go do some adventure sports together, or watch a race. Group activities are one of the greatest ways to foster relationships and build a great connection with your friends.

I learnt this from seeing my friend invite his closest friends from his childhood at his 50th birthday and I was the only one from recent times who was special for him and his family to have with them on such an important milestone in his life. All of us travelled to the incredible Indian party destination of Goa and he threw an incredible, very fancy party and we chilled out for 4 days in a row. These are memories that money cannot help you buy off the shelf but can help create.

With some incredible people, singing songs around the bonfire on a starry night at the beach in Goa and a beer in hand. What more do you need?

You Can't Spend From Your Grave

Don't hoard your money, instead use it wisely. When you lie on your death bed you cannot afford to have any regrets. You could be Warren Buffet but you cannot take your money with you to the grave and spend it from there. Make the most of what you have as you go through life. You might not get a chance to do all that you could have in your final moments.

Find a Way To Earn Your Money

After my accident recently, I now work with a custom fabricated dynamic splint. After an hour's use my hand cramps up and it starts hurting. I have a better than average threshold for pain so I simply ignore it and work. Even as many of my friends ask me to slow down, my high energy levels and motivation makes it impossible for me to pay heed to that and sit idle. I can't slow down, not now.

This was a turning point for me in my life. Money could potentially change my life now. I'm saving up for the day where I could possibly afford treatment in the best facility in the world and if it helps me regain use of my hand (in case the damaged nerves dont regenerate themselves) then that's incredible I think.

But, even as I have a minor disability I don't complain about being unable to work and earn my money. I found a way to do new things to earn money as I go. If I can do it, so can you. Don't let any hurdle in your life dictate the terms for your life and the path you need to take.

I believe that you can earn all that you need to do anything you want in this one life itself. Never hold yourself back ever again! Earn all the money you want and let that work for you!

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