Money matters...

Why do you need money? Is money really relevant in your life? Where does money come from? Is acquiring lots of money a bad thing? Is the love of money the root of all evil? Have you ever asked yourself these questions? If you have, then we are on the same page and you can duly proceed.
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Let's begin by me stating in advance that I'm really writing this post to address some misconceptions we have been brought up and bombarded with, about money, that are simply not true.
Okay, Do you need money in life? The answer is YES. Tonnes of it. We live in a transactional world, let's face it. You can go more than two days, without the need to transact financially. To settle your basic needs, for instance.
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That said, the next big question is, How much money exactly does one need to live a good life? That's where the debate really comes in? What's enough money? Let me answer this through by counteracting, where I'll state what's not enough money. Let's begin: Not enough money is when you can't afford to settle some of your own and your family's bills. Not enough money is when you are struggling with debt (college debt, mortgage, car loans, etc. Not enough money is when you don't have money saved up for some unplanned activity or uncertainty. Not enough money is when you can't take your girlfriend/boyfriend out, because well, the pockets are dry.
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So, to the final big question. Why do you need tonnes of money? Making little money, just enough for you, is mean. You should make more than enough so as to support the less fortunate. You need money for charity, folks. You need money for investments. You need money so that you can live life in your own terms - imagine such freedom.
There's really no reason why anyone shouldn't strive to get lots of money. Yes, money doesn't buy happiness, but poverty can't buy anything. Never fall for the satisfaction trap. Why be satisfied with little? Let's set our financial bars high. Our families and communities expect a lot from us.
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Any moneymaking deal you are on right now? Hit me up. I'm always open. Let's make the MONEY.....


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