Some reflection on money!!


This concept comes from Archimedes who is considered one of the most important scientists of antiquity. Archimedes said:
"Give me a point of support and I will move the world."
He said it to validate his law, the law of the lever. According to Archimedes, a lever and a point of support is all that is required to move something.
Do you want to move money? Do you want to move business? Do you want to move projects? Move markets?
We have to learn to use time and money. Master them with mastery. With intelligence, with strategy.
All that is required is a well-defined idea and a lever. That is, it needs leverage.

DOP means "other people's money." There is a phrase that says: "Wherever there is a good idea, capital appears."
Of course it appears, but as long as there is someone is calling. Because money does not go where they do not call it. It is rigorous in that: A party that is not invited, a party that does not enter.
Money is moved by people, not by things. It moves by someone's will, not by magic. No matter how good your idea is, you must move. You must go out and look for it.

And that's the art of good business: making money without money. Do business with someone else's money.
Leverage yourself in the bank if necessary, but knowing that the debt will be paid by our business, not us. Because if we act with intelligence the bank is our friend. But if we do it in an improvised manner, then the bank applies the law to us.
Now, is there a way to get capital without going to the bank, or incurring loans, or credits?
Today there are more possibilities than before, however, many people still think in the traditional way. In fact, one of the main skills that the businessman of the 21st century must develop is the ABILITY TO RAISE MONEY.

The traditional view suggests that the young person "work and save a capital to begin with." That formula is good, but it is slow. Before the boys spent years "collecting their money" (and this as long as no eventuality that forces them to use those resources) to just launch into the ring.
Today there are new roads. Whatever they say, today the economy is more inclusive and more dynamic. The one who stays behind is because he wants. What is needed to use the DOP?

1 Know how to use good debt with banks. Banks should not be afraid of them, we should have them as a tool that we can use to our advantage.

2 Ability to raise money. The entrepreneur must have the ability to build trust in his project. The entrepreneur converts people with money into investors. To achieve this, one must have open-mindedness, the ability to negotiate, and above all, willingness to share the cake. Remember that: "if you make people win, people will make you win." Promise sincere profits, do not abuse the good faith of others, or risk exposing your reputation. You can not abuse the chicken of the golden eggs. In other words, do not play with the trust that people place in you. The true point of support is trust: if you generate trust, you generate money.

Some time ago I heard a great businessman say that "his daily workday is 8,000 hours." His logic is very simple: the guy buys time.
It is one of the most important questions to understand: "the person with financial education buys the time of others and makes it productive; the person who does not have a financial education sells his time and limits his options. "
In other words: the rich buy time, the poor sell time.
To make wealth you have to have daily days of more than a thousand hours. But how can you produce for more than a thousand hours a day if the day has 24 hours?
That's where the TOP (Time of other people) is applied.

To get rich you have to use other people's time. You have to think big. And this does not have to be shocking: it is not about abusing or exploiting others. Quite the opposite: it is about uniting efforts with others. Recognize, pay, add. You do not have to be predators, you have to be builders.
The key here is to understand that the more you produce, the more you gain. Eye: The more you produce,not the longer you work.

Money does not sleep. He knows neither schedules nor calendars. And one more fact: money loves productivity.
By the same data, technology is another way to get the most out of time, because it allows us to double and we can produce 24 hours, 365 days a year. The Internet is a market that never closes.

Think: do you think you could make money if you have a virtual store that never closes, that works on holidays, Sundays, Monday to Monday, at any time and on autopilot?
There are a thousand ways to apply the top. A friend launched sweets and distributed them store by store. The shopkeepers left a% of sales. He always said: "There are 300 stores in the capital working for me. 300 salespeople dedicating, every day, a few minutes to my product. If I add up those minutes, I realize that these are hours that I would not have, nor could I afford. "

I also remember the case of a business friend who used to say that his team has 300 years of experience. He is a skillful guy, awake and determined to win. "In our team we have an engineer who has 35 years of experience. Two lawyers who together make up 50 years in the industry. "And so he went adding and adding. What is the age of this entrepreneur? 32 years!
The grace of all this is knowing how to leverage.
Do not get into debt, but STAND OUT.

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