How I Established a Side Income/Hustle

It took me a few days to think about something valuable I could provide to this community. Given that many of us often struggle to make ends meet, or save for the future, I figured I would talk about developing a side income. I will do my best to keep this short.

Below is a simple, yet challenging framework for generating side income

  1. Determine what you enjoy doing. This should be something you enjoy doing outside of work, whether it be event planning, photography, writing, etc.

  2. Find customers.

  3. If you can't find paying customers, work for free or relatively low cost, while providing top-tier results.

  4. After you've built a portfolio on your client-base from number 3, start working them for referrals, and start charging those new customers.

  5. Over time, slowly increase your prices at a rate that customers seem to be willing to pay.

This is essentially the framework I identified and developed AFTER establishing my side income.

Below is a brief summary of my side income and how I started.

My Story

6 years ago I was surfing a body building forum while I worked a late shift at my second job. My second job was boring and slow, and I saw that a high school student was willing to pay $10.00 USD for 2 pages double spaced. I didn't think anything of it, and I figured that since I had extra time, I might as well do the work for the student. I did the work for the student, and I did such a great job that he became a repeat customer, and he referred me to his friend. Once these two active users on the bodybuilding forum became my regular customers, news of me spread over the forum in a matter of months. As I penetrated the forum further and further, I used the same process for delivering great service and gaining new referrals from each new customer. Over the course of 6 years this has become a very lucrative side gig, and I have established both a website and a strong client-base. In that time, the side income has allowed me to pay down student loans and buy an apprecaiting property. This use case fits perfectly with the aforementioned framework. More importantly, I think anyone is capable of finding ways to earn additional income.

Feel free to comment if anyone is looking for thoughts and advice. I love steering people in the right direction.

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