Doug Casey On Trump, Cryptocurrencies, the Coming Collapse and the End of Western Civilization

I had the opportunity to interview my good friend Doug Casey here at FreedomFest in Las Vegas this week. He and I talked about several different subjects including the (s)election of Donald Trump and of course, the hottest topic; cryptocurrencies.

Doug mentions that the bad news about Trump is that he has no philosophical core or beliefs, but he thinks that it’s interesting that the Deep State hates Trump for being a loose cannon and rather uncontrollable.

Doug talked about how he thinks the US is on the brink of a massive financial collapse and subsequent revolt and likened the US economic situation to a hurricane, saying that we’re nearly out of the eye of the storm and that the trailing edge is about to pass over and bring destruction with it. I pointed out that this kind of disaster could be what’s necessary to get the general public to wake up to the truth about the government and central banks.

Doug congratulated me for being such an early adopter of cryptocurrency and also said he feels that blockchain tech is a lot like 1998 and the last tech bubble and that there will be plenty of losers, ups, and downs, but also that there is much more money to be made in the space.

Very interestingly, he also commented that he thinks this is a good time to start getting back into precious metals mining stocks as they’re quite undervalued at the moment in his opinion.

Doug is always one of the most interesting people to interview. He always has an intelligent, wry and informed, unique opinion.

You can see it here:

We are just about to release the next issue of The Dollar Vigilante newsletter which covers everything going on in the cryptocurrency space, including the potential bitcoin fork which may occur in the next few weeks and how to prepare and possibly profit from it.

And, much more, including TDV’s Senior Analyst, Ed Bugos’, commentary on some of the best gold mining stocks that Doug Casey thinks are currently undervalued.

You can get access to it all HERE.

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