Writing articles to make money is this feasible? - Steemit, the most misunderstood case in the blockchain world


Steemit 博客网站首页上写着:「妙笔生金:你的思想是有价值的。赶快加入发表文章获得赏金的社区。」




二、Steemit 博客平台可以算是区块链世界的第一应用
Steemit 是因区块链技术而兴起的内容写作平台,并且它与区块链交融在一起:

它采用了区块链技术——文章的文本内容以不可修改的方式存储于一条公有区块链 Steem 中;




可用类比的方式来说明 Steemit 的地位,在2016-2017年,人工智能特别是AlphaGo 围棋机器人、无人驾驶以及内容的算法推荐分发等热点,但普通消费者可直接使用的人工智能应用是苹果 iPhoneX 手机的人脸识别,这是人脸识别技术在消费级产品中全面应用。

Writing articles to make money is this feasible? - Steemit, the most misunderstood case in the blockchain world

Steemit and the public chain Steem behind it are one of the most active major chains in the blockchain world so far, but due to the fact that its token STEEM did not soar at the end of 2017, it is still in the encrypted digital currency market. In 27 such rankings, it did not receive public attention.

However, this may be the most overlooked public chain and blockchain application. Recently, many factors prompted us to begin to pay close attention to Steemit:

Reference to Steele's replicas or blockchain projects that have been transformed began to emerge, such as the recent official launch of the currency. The more replicas, the more we inspire our interest in the principles of Steemit's blockchain project.
The entire industry of blockchains is looking for applications that can really land, the application scenarios that consumers directly use, and using the blockchain economic model to reward highly digital content creation is one of the most feasible paths. We pointed out in our previous analysis report that "the more figures, the more likely it is."
The Steemit blogging platform and the Steem public chain have been on the line for a long time and have formed rich communities and tools. There is enough information for those who want to deeply analyze the blockchain technology. For the technical person, the relevant technical tools around it can be directly run, tested and re-developed. This is a “knock-punch toy”.
With the in-depth study of the Steem chain and the Steemit blogging platform, the QuickZone blockchain will be discussed for the first time around the use of blockchain technology and blockchain economy to reward content contributors.

We call Steemit's economic system an exquisite system. Words similar to “exquisite” are actually, it is “complex”. It is not as concise as Bitcoin and Ethereum's design. This is how we have to The reason for the discussion.

Special statement: This analysis is only based on "Steem" white paper, Blue Book, Steelite website description of blockchain technology and economic applications for analysis, only industry discussion, does not constitute any investment advice.

Part 1: Application scenario

Why do people write articles on the Internet?

Since the Internet began to develop, people are trying to answer this question.

Regardless of the answer to this question, people are happy to write articles on the Internet. Moreover, every generation of technological change is to use it as the initial touchstone. Digital content is the frontier of Internet innovation and is the greenhouse of innovation. This time, one of the most likely changes in the blockchain revolution may be content.

In terms of textual content, we have experienced:

personal webpage;
Forum (BBS);
Web portals;
personal blog;
Social network;
Technology blog site;
Vertical media, professional media;
Social quizzes such as Quora, Zhihu;
Twitter, Weibo;
Writing platform Medium, short book;
WeChat public number;
Today’s headlines;
Knowledge pays, and so on.
A content innovation model may focus on three points:

How to promote content producers to write articles?
How to read: How to find better content?
How to make content producers get financial returns?
The WeChat public number is the most successful content innovation product in the world in recent years. It answers three questions well:

It selected the content of Changwen, and focused on and reduced the threshold for long-form writing and publishing;
Its subscription mechanism plus social distribution promoted the circulation of excellent articles;
It forms an effective economic incentive.
The great development of China's media ecology is precisely because the WeChat public account allows writers to receive cash income such as e-commerce diversion and advertising marketing. In recent years, the “knowledge pays” model has also been added.

Steemit, an experimental product of the blockchain world, designed a minimally viable product (MVP), which validates that "using economic incentives of class" to promote content creation is feasible. That is, it mainly validates the third article of the content innovation model.

It verified that in this digital content field, open communities of blockchain technology and token economy systems of blockchain economy can find feasible solutions.

Steemit's current user volume, volume of postings, community activity in Steem's chain, and stability of token STEEM prices prove that the above two are feasible.

Next, let's take a look at the solution it provides.

Part 2: The solution

The solution provided by Steemit consists of two parts:

A public chain: Steem, and its encrypted digital currency system;

One application: Steemit. This blogging platform is the primary application of the Steem chain.

Among them, the Steem public chain is designed for text content. The text-only version of the article can be stored in a distributed blockchain book/database.


2016年12月,经过第16次硬分叉后,Steem 区块链的代币分配机制进入当下的常态,按原有代币的总量,每年新增9.5%的代币(并每年减少0.5%)。每年新增出来的代币中,75%被用于作为奖金奖励内容贡献者。




用社交媒体的术语说,就是创作(creation)和策展(curation)的人获得回报,这是Steemit 所看重的内容贡献者。Steemit提供了两个对应的系统:

一,一个基于加密数字货币的经济激励系统(reward pool),这是Steem区块链的经济系统的一部分;
二,一个对内容投票的系统(a voting system),这个功能是Steemit 博客平台的关键部分。

与其他公链不同,Steem公链包括四种专门为数字内容设计的数字货币体系,其中前三种都在 Steemit 中使用,第四种是类似于以太坊的ERC-20标准,将于2018年上线,将允许其他人基于Steem公链发行代币。它的四种代币分别是:


Steem Power (SP)。STEEM代币持有者,可以将自己的代币转为Steem Power (SP),SP需要长期持有,提取需要至少13周时间。SP可类比为公司的股权,从而拥有奖金分配的投票权,并获得类似于股息回报的长期激励。

Steem Dollars(SBD)是Steem公链中的稳定代币,从而让它在自身区块链内部中就形成一个STEEM代币的价格定价机制,而不必像其他代币依托外部的交易所。SBD也可以类比为风险投资公司向创业公司投资时的可转股债券(convertible note)。

类以太坊ERC-20的代币发行标准Smart Media Tokens (SMTs),将于2018年上线。



尽管在许多人看来,在 Steemit 上写作,可以获得等同于美元的「现金」,SBD也是与美元直接挂钩的代币,但是我们认为:

把Steem / Steemit 看成一个完全独立的「平行世界」可能更为合适,它发行自己的货币,用这三种货币奖励内容贡献者。







Dan Larimer:重新发明区块链

Steem 公链和应用 Steemit 的主要开发者是区块链领域的大神级人物Dan Larimer(又在网上被昵称为「BM」)。

他可能是除了「中本聪」、以太坊发明者 V神(Vitalik Buterin)之后最重要的区块链开发者。BM三个公链项目的技术负责人:BitShares(比特股)、Steemit 以及最热门的下一代区块链公链 EOS 项目。他是石墨烯区块链工具(Graphene)和DPOS(Delegated Proof-Of-Stake,股份授权证明机制 )的设计者。BM于2017年年中离开 Steem、作为 CTO 参与创建EOS。

Part 3: 技术特色


从以上分析我们可以看到,Steem 公链和 Steemit博客平台是一个组合。Steem是一个专用于内容激励的区块链,Steemit是这条公链上首要应用示例。


我们还可以这样理解BM正在开发的、即将于6月主网上线的EOS:BM不满足于 Steem 是一条专用于文字内容发布与激励的公链,而试图在区块链技术发展仍处早期的当下,去挑战开发一条更为通用的区块链。因此,将Steemit与EOS的设计进行对比,也可增强对区块链技术与经济的理解,提高设计区块链应用方案的能力。

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