Why we've lost the fight?

This, is my account where I talk about the darker subjects of the world. If you haven't figured that out then perhaps you should visit my other account, which talks about more "socially acceptable" topics, I guess.

Audio version will be released on DTube tomorrow.


If you're fighting for freedom, it's over. From here on out if the cryptos to their thing and take over the financial system, you'll be living in a very different world. A very dead, tense world.

I'm not sure how to feel anymore.


Let me lead you into my thought process. Mind you I've been paying attention to the development of our system over time, the increased censorship of the internet, the price tag associated with even using images growing, and of course, cryptos.

I was having issues uploading a video onto d.tube, and I wished to receive support or at least tell them about the bug.

Well, they have a GitHub for that, but prior to me finding it I realized:
They don't have any links for support on their website. No company information. Nothing to settle disputes.


And then I realized that, well, in this hi-tech future we will see massive automation. No support teams, only virtual assistance.

No humans running the machine, only the machine and those using it.


The implications of this in a post-cash world, along with all of the things I've mentioned before about the Binance DEX and how they can cut you off whenever they feel like it, about blockchain storing everything you say permanently for AI robots to sift through and evaluate you, about cryptos anchoring your survival to your digital machine, this all leads to a worldwide digital pyramid matrix where there will be no space for compassion, no time for legal justice, and as time goes on and the world saps more oil out of the ground, no air to breath.

That you will be anchored to the block chain.

So anyways, the game rules are changing, you spiritualists that know it's just a game. Let's go to the Black Mirror episode 15 Million Merits.

They got it so spot on that I barely have to say much. In my opinion, you need to watch that episode and pay close attention to everything. And then I want you to delete your Netflix account because that's the last thing that you'll need to watch.

Seriously, if Black Mirror couldn't wake up the world, it's no wonder Nintendo's still releasing the same bullshit Mario games. If Mr. Robot Episode 1 couldn't wake up the world, it's no wonder they're still making episodes when if they wanted to convey the message, they would've stopped right after that.

And because people would rather work and watch TV instead of do their own shit and reclaim their minds, this is what we're going to get. If you thought the matrix was just in your mind, wait until it manifests.

So, the rules are simple:

You get to play the role of a slave who physically cannot escape the system he helped to erect, because it's everywhere. If you appeal to the higher-ups enough, you pass and are granted a limited license of freedom. But if you are disapproved by the higher-ups, they have a right to prevent you from eating, drinking or basically whatever activity you partake in within the system which you helped build.

There's no such thing as friendships, only economic associates, and that is a stretch too because you'll only be able to associate within certain parameters as to preserve the system. There's no such thing as truth, only the information they feed you about what is right and wrong. If you thought that the internet was safe, you haven't been paying attention.

So what else? Well, you get to consume as much as you want provided you spin the wheel like a hamster every now and then. You might even have access to insanely powerful THC cartridges to take you out of the reality which you also tried to evade via spirituality. But you won't be able to do a damn thing beyond drugs, consumption, and the limited things they will allow you to do to build yourself up.

Think I'm wrong? Here are some trends:

  • The internet is becoming more censored. Bad, repeated content is rewarded more than Truthful, well thought out content. Short, quick content is rewarded more than long, well researched content. Content that provokes emotion is rewarded more than vital, logical content.
  • The internet is becoming more monetized and automated, meaning that the robots that will control the systems like Steemit will ultimately control what content gets promoted and paid -- which will likely be dull, emotionally stimulating dopamine hits. And once the software works as intended there won't be any staff to help you once the robots decide to close your account. And yes, Steemit does and has closed accounts.
  • Social media is becoming evermore like a set of echo chambers: If you're into a subject, you'll get things which further cement you into that subject, rather then well thought out alternatives. You like things you agree to, and dislike things that you don't agree with, no doubt about that. And this is where they get "Black Mirror" from, your device will be like a reflection of what it decides you are. And once it gets enough of your data you may not even be able to see alternatives anymore, locking you into your personal chamber of desires.
  • The world is forsaking compassion for profit. No matter how many outcries, you'll still be funding everything wrong with the world by paying your taxes and going to work, going to Walmart, because you can hardly afford other options, correct? You'll only befriend people when it directly benefits you, much like how men use women for sex, and women use men for money. Human nature over spirituality. Pyramid schemes over honest products. Marketing budgets over word of mouth.
  • And of course, more tech. More time on tech. More data, smarter robots, bigger blockchains, money on the blockchain! Asset digitization! Fire the cashiers, install automated tellers, close the offices. Virtual reality. Augmented reality. Digitized genetic data. Smart cars. Smart lights. Smart stores. 5g. All pay to use, and pay to execute smart contracts, and no human intervention. I wouldn't be surprised to find digital drugs one day.

And what can you do to stop it?

Nothing! Because anything big enough will be defunded or raised by poor people in the first place. Entire countries have been destroyed for going against this plan.

And when you decide to do something, let me know how long it lasts before you're broke. As much as I wish the new paradigm would come in, this one WILL NOT LEAVE without the worst years ever of humanity unfolding.

Believe it or not, the Bible agrees that yes, the machine will take over and yes, the mark of the beast will occur. It might not be the chip itself, but it could be the absence of love, except for the love of money. Because you can't do shit in this world without money.

So that's all I have to say. I might just say "fuck it" and embrace the robot overlords after this so I can eat dinner 5 years from now in my tiny house.

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