7 Ways To Be More Creative Student


This article certainly will surprise you because most of your stereotypes will be broken down. You`ve probably heard about many ways to keep your creative state and if now you feel lost among all those tips to follow, this article will help to find the ways that fit you.

All-New Ideas are the Mix of Another Ones

Or to say with other words, there are no new ideas, all of them are just combinations of something that was created before. So, in such a definition, creativity becomes less terrible because all of us are able to connect the things that already exist that tips Austin Kleon, author of the world-known bestseller “Steel like an artist” says: “Every artist gets asked the question ‘Where do you get your ideas?’. The honest artist answers ‘I steal them.’”
The other question is where and how he steals them. Here switches on the rule: quantity turns into quality. Explain on the example of writing a research paper. To start writing your own research paper there is not enough just to know letters and words. You should read and look through the thousands of other works, or even buy a short example on research paper writing service to see how all that works, and then combine the ideas into your own ones.

You are Better Creative When Tired

Actually, it's not about you, but about your brain, exactly the right part, which is responsible for imagination and creativity. Sorting people for owls and larks and then choosing time for work due to these classifications is good when you need to do analytic or mechanical work. The creative one is just vice versa. The secret is in the brain`s effort to resist the distractions. They are a benefit for thinking outside the box and when the brain is tired it allows more of them to penetrate into work.

The Sounds of Environment are the Best for Creativity

Neither silence nor loud noises make no good effect on creative thinking. It is better stimulated by the middle loud environmental sounds. For example, while sitting in the café and hearing the murmur or being in public transport or just walking in the park and listening to the wind stirring the trees.


Travel More to Broad Your Creative Potential

Student years, when you still have no family and permanent work, are a great time to see the world and develop yourself. Especially traveling abroad brings up more experience and broads the mind. Every country, or even state, has its cultural specifics to get the ideas from. There is no sense in mentioning different religious, philosophic or politic aspects because everyone understands we really can take a lot from other nations` lives.

Mass on the Table Works towards Creativity

You could hear such an excuse for the mass in the room or workplace like creative chaos. But it really works for creative thinking to be true. The organized workplace helps in analytical work, and disorder organization promotes new ideas.

Faint Light Makes Feel More Freely

The studies show that people, who are in the faint light, feel more free in their actions and intentions; that all goes from the subconscious, of course. If you have no dim light around but need to keep creative working, close your eyes and imagine being in the dark, that can trick the brain a little.

Sleepy State Generates Ideas

There is no great desire to create or do something when we feel sleepy. But we can let our brains work for us. A moment of waking up from the sleep is a very valuable one, it is called a hypnopompic state. In this period of time, we see arty-crafty images - our visual dreams. A lot of artists take inspiration from their dreams. The most known, of course, is Salvador Daly. The weirdness of his surrealistic works is close enough to the dreams we all see at night.

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