Intro to my 3-way Marriage, Crypto and My Life Goal to Publish My Own Book.....WIN A FREE EBOOK YOURSELF!

This was my first intro to Steemit...... and this is me (3 weeks ago on my first night out without children in 2 years!!).....on my way to becoming (so hopeful) a published authour with the help of Steemit and live blogging!

Our history includes retail work, childcare work and fostering less fortunate children to give them some guidance for the rest of their own journeys through life!

My new life goal: Publish book of recipes using fresh produce and incorporating NZ foods and recipes in it and also I want to allow others to submit their recipes to me at so I may select 150 to publish with your name in my book!! Let us make this happen together my Steemit friends!
I have spent hours writing and trying recipes and studying nutrition and putting everyday basic cooking skills to use and teaching my children the valuable lessons they will need for later on food knowledge in life!

Being broke and having pay-cuts have sincerely been the core reason for e to make this change for my family, for the better and for the lives of other families!

So here is my story.........

My name is Angie, I am 30 years old and am in a three way marriage - in this beautiful love triangle is myself, my husband and then his crypto life.....the last 3 or so years since joining the BTC evolution for me have been thrilling, evolving and eye-opening whilst being lonely.

We have been married for upcoming 7 years in December, 3 of those years I was on Cloud 9, we shared the same goals and passions, we could not get enough of each other or our daughter, and then when our son came along him too. Then life began changing (yes, I know change is inevitable, and this was)...

My husband discovered crypto currency and was quick to learn all about the blockchain and the development and adoption of the now revolutionary Bitcoin. He joined early enough although later than he would of liked to.

I had no idea at this time that Bitcoin was the only the first of many more decentralised cryptocurrencies to enter my realm. I had no inkling in my body something as amazing as Steemit would ever come into play either.

He was also on a 4/1 FIFO roster which I know alot of mums can relate to, it is af if we are single parents all of the time!! The crypto craze continued and the 1 week off was turned into quiet solo movie nights after the kids were finally in bed and Kahn worked on his laptop until all hours of the morning learning, reading, buying, selling and spreading the word, by this stage we had our second daughter added to the mix which made my life more hectic than ever, begging for some adult time and also some much needed help around the house.... (now he is a labourer paid for peanuts and working in the most awful conditions for minimum age and minimum hours).

Again, (my fav photo to show his work environment..yes, that IS caustic steam)

Today's caustic burn (21/07/2016)

Then the 2014 Global Bitcoin Summit in Beijing came around so of course Kahn needed to go to this, so off he flew to Beijing to promote the world of crypto and inhale some more information. I then realised this was my life. He was so enthused by everybody he met and having photos taken with Vitalik Buterin and many other well respected crypto men and women. He took in so much information whilst over there, helped at the Summit and most importantly spread the word to others and helped people grasp the concept of this revolution which will one day take over the normal day to day banking system we know today.

As if this was not enough, Kahn then started building his own platform which I cannot go into too much detail about now (watch this space)....his days were longer, his nights were longer, there was no inbetween, no time for sleep. That was it, I was Captain of this ship I once called a happy family unit.

It was then I really realised this was not going to change. I needed to change. Also I needed my own personal targets and challenge!

I did my best to become involved and be more supportive, after all this meant spending more time together. I learnt about Bitcoin and Satoshi Nakamoto, about mining, about the blockchain. I found myself finding more and more information when Kahn was not around so that I could impress him. I started trading my own currencies on many exchanges. There is nothing better than learning about better ways to transfer funds around the world for next to no costs and inform people that they do not need to use the banking system and be a pawn to the big banking giants. I became involved and will continue to be involved. Our children are now involved and our son wants to start coding at the age of 5.

(not my picture, off the internet)
When I was in Melbourne I attended a very informative Meetup where the super talented and strong voice in crypto.. "Tatiana Moroz" sung her beautiful Bitcoin Song. I am so glad I did and wish I could of attended many more, but unfortunately we still need to work so we relocated to Central Queensland where we currently reside now.

My days have become longer, my nights have become longer, but that is OK. This is my now chosen path and there are two Captains on my ship again. Life is grand, I have my husband back and we will always have a third wheel but I have accepted and adopted this into my own life. I will be proud to one day say I was apart of history where this revolutionary and extroadinary technology was created....... the only thing now missing is financial security (or any security).

This amazing platform Kahn is building will be set to launch in the very near future with some more funds to back it....then there will be no more caustic burns or inhalation of toxic gases in the air. So I will be sure to keep you posted and I will work on my book which I am ecstatic about!!!

PS),Do NOT procrastinate and believe in your own intuition. Grab the bull by the horns and live life to the full. Grow and learn and adapt to, and accept new technology. Only you can control your own destiny. If you want something changed then change it yourself and do not expect others to change. Do not live your life so that you will be forever thinking......what if???

Kahn and I are hopefully and fingers crossed on some great paths, different trails but leading to the same path ending and we are MAKING IT HAPPEN! So can you!

One day this WILL be us!!!

I hope to see your comment, be emailed your recipes for your chance to win a free ebook simply by me publishing your recipe i it with your name! We CAN do this together Steemit lovers, Cyrpto lovers and lovers of life and innovative technology!

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