The value of money and silver (part 10) - conclusion

We have talked a lot about silver.
We have mentioned how it is becoming scarcer on the planet.
We have talked about how it is becoming more and more valuable to investors like you and me.

I've talked to you about how we need silver in almost any branch of our industry; how we need silver to communicate and even use the Internet.

Hopefully after reading this you are not only excited about investing in silver, which was my main purpose, but you're also ready and prepared to start off.

My goal was not to cover every single piece of information here, but to help you realize the potential that silver investment has as well as teach you how to find the information that you need to succeed.

If you educate yourself so that you can make the right decisions at the right time, there is nothing that can stop you from becoming very wealthy.

Investing in precious metals, and in silver in particular, is one of the greatest business models I have come across in my life.

This is about the only business model in which after you start you don't have to do anything to be successful with it.

After all, all you're doing is buying silver, letting it lay around somewhere and then selling it when the time is right.

Based on the fact that the price of silver will stay high and will be even higher year after year, we can safely say that silver is the cure for inflation.

Fiat currencies like the dollar plummet as they are abused and printed on demand, whereas precious metals such as gold and silver will go up and will always be more valuable due to their intrinsic utility and scarcity.

What is more the price of the metal will increase so much that the monetary value of them will always overpower the inflation.

One of the most important things for people to realize is that even though real estate is really popular right now, there is something that's very particular about it that can cause it to decrease significantly in a short period of time.

Much of the current economic crisis was triggered by people being sold properties that they couldn’t actually afford to pay for.
The housing prices went up, people were tricked into thinking they could still afford them and sold policies which didn’t kick-in to the true costs for 205 years.

This was enough time for many of the lenders to pass those toxic debts on to other unsuspecting institutes but the bubble was always going to burst.

As we have become more and more buried in the financial and economic crisis we see more and more people don't have money to pay their rent or make mortgage payments.
They will have to leave those buildings and those apartments and find something cheaper that they will actually be able to afford.
A high percentage of Americans with jobs also qualify for government aid – people do not have a lot of money right now.

Now you probably know, what usually happens to a building that has been left empty. It becomes very hard to sell. That is why real estate, although it is a decent investment, does not give people the security that precious metals like gold and silver do.

No matter what the economy is like, there is always going to be demand for silver.

Life without gold would be pretty much okay.

We don't use gold in our everyday life in ways that we couldn’t get by without, but silver is a completely different story.

Without silver we would not have the technology that we have now. We would not have our cell phones, our computers and other things we use every day.

We would not be able to use the Internet, to communicate with one another or even to make a cake for that matter.

Almost all of the pieces of equipment that we use each day would become extinct because for them to function they have to have silver in them.
Again, silver will always be in demand.

If people don't have money to buy an expensive house, they will not buy.
If the economy stays as it is, they will not have the money for expensive real estate. They will simply not be able to afford it.

We can buy silver very cheaply, keep it around for a few years and sell it when it is in higher demand.
Remember that as the Wall Street Journal expects silver is to be exhausted by 2020. Now, the numbers might not be accurate, I mean, it might be 2025 it might be 2040, it does not matter.

The fact it is that we are running out and we do not know what to do to get more.

Look at it this way, if the United States of America were able to get more silver, don't you think they would do it? It is not a pressing issue for them yet, but it will be, you just wait for it.

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