Rich Chinese women on welfare for citizenship

Did you know we are funding MATERNITY MOTELS? These are motels that house women, usually from China, while they are pregnant and until they give birth to their new US citizen child. They live here their entire pregnancy and are taught how to take advantage of welfare programs. In large busses these women are driven to welfare offices where they apply for free food and Medi-CAL. Because they are pregnant, it's an instant approval, even with no documents. The state cannot deny a pregnant woman coverage- and they know that.

And so they come by the thousands, last year an estimated 40,000 births like these were recorded. Do you know why they do it?

Once they have a US citizen child, they have ties to the US forever, they can come in and out of the country as they please. When this child is of college age (usually an adult by then), they are sent to the US to study, once here, the child applies for ANY benefit that they are entitled to as citizen of this country. Usually they go for free health insurance and grants for college. The biggest kicker is this---- they can now sponsor a visa for their parents.

Almost all the time, the Chinese women who come to take advantage of our broken immigration/ welfare system are filthy rich! When police have raided these motels, they find these women with links to lots of cash and designer purses/ cars. These are not immigrants who NEED help, but rather see us for what we are-- stupid.

How is it that this has been going on for years? That the departments of social services are aware of these businesses but cannot speak against it? Did you know about this? Birth Tourism, look it up.

It looks like The United States welcomes anchor babies from all over the world.

“There is nothing in the law that makes it illegal for pregnant women to enter the United States,” said Virginia Kice, a spokeswoman for U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement. - LA Times

“While birth tourism has become extremely popular in China, no one knows exactly how many Chinese visit the U.S. each year to have a baby. In 2012, according to Chinese state media, there were some 10,000 tourist births from China; more recent estimates have put the number as high as 60,000 a year. Some of the boom is due to a 2012 crackdown by the government in Hong Kong, where an excellent education system, top-notch healthcare and the prospect of political freedom attracted expecting Chinese parents for years.” - Rolling Stones

"Another perk: these American-born kids can take advantage of the U.S. education system, even paying lower in-state fees for public universities, depending on where they were delivered. (California is a popular birth-tourism destination because of its well-known university system." - TIME Magazine

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