THE DOLLAR'S IMMINENT COLLAPSE IN 2018? - How will it affect us all? @dollarvigilante (ENG)

Everyone knows that the dollar is the most powerful currency from the most powerful country in the world, but will it be forever?

In the Second World War, with a Europe devastated by a fratricidal conflict that ended up plunging the world into chaos, the United States benefited extraordinarily from circumstances that were enormously advantageous for its economy as a seller of supplies and weapons to the parties involved in the conflict in the first instance, and as the main winner of the contest at the end, without the havoc of the war having greater impact within its borders (with the exception of Pearl Harbor)

Since then, the world is divided into two blocks, and the United States stands as the new Western superpower and the greatest banner of capitalism, imposing the dollar as a reference currency in international trade and subsequently monopolizing the oil trade later with the famous petrodollars.

As of 1971, before the enormous money supply issued by the United States without a true endorsement of the gold-bound dollar and the possibility of defaulting on its obligations to foreign countries, Nixon decided to end the gold standard, and thereafter the dollar ends up being supported only by confidence in the strength of the American economy, by its debt and by "smoke". And the really interesting thing is that practically all the countries of the world followed the path, completely disengaging from gold and converting all the currencies into fiduciaries or FIAT, giving rise to one of the GREATEST SCAM OF HUMANITY.

Well, throughout 5000 years of history, none of these currencies based on debt have had a happy ending, and eventually, all end up worth 0 and leading to collapse empires like the Greek or the Roman. Is the Yankee Empire so special as to be the exception to this historical rule? Currently, everything seems to point out the opposite ...

The United States is the country with the highest sovereign debt in the world in absolute terms. A debt of 20 trillion dollars that is simply unpayable, since the enormous greed of Wall Street, the corruption of the private bankers and the FED and the insane impression of dollars as if there were no tomorrow, have led to a critical situation where every American, even a newborn, must by the fact of existing pay $ 250,000 in debt. Something absolutely unpayable and that is only solved by increasing the debt ceiling annually and making the problem bigger and bigger.

And if this were not enough, due to this untenable situation, the international confidence of the countries in the dollar has plummeted in recent years. Without going any further, China has begun to trade oil with gold-backed yuan, Germany repatriates its gold, the BRICS reach agreements to trade in their own currencies outside the dollar, and even recently Venezuela has abandoned the dollar to export oil creating the cryptocurrency PETRO .... more and more countries want to disassociate themselves from the dollar's status as a global currency and although now it may seem crazy, when all the dollars distributed around the world go back to Uncle Sam, the United States will be Venezuela 2 and a bigmac of the McDonalds may end up costing 10,000 dollars ...

Undoubtedly, if this happens and the dollar collapses (which will most likely happen in the short or medium term), this may be ONE OF THE MOST IMPORTANT EVENTS IN THE HISTORY OF HUMANITY, and due to the great connections between countries in an economy global as the current one, this fact will affect us to a greater or lesser extent to all the inhabitants of the planet.

In schools we are educated so that we are complete economic and financial illiterates, and given the enormous impact that money has on our daily lives (like it or not, we use it every day to eat), I think it is fundamental to learn about how the system works nowadays to have the tools if you do not want to get fucked or be screwed as little as possible ...

A few years ago, I also had no idea of ​​the seriousness of the situation and I was as ignorant about the subject as any person "programmed" to study a career, look for a job, watch TV and cheer up my football team. But when the financial crisis of 2009 hit my country (Spain) and my family, I began to ask myself questions, to question everything and to suspect that something was not working well "up there". It was then, thanks to the freedom of the Internet to inform you on alternative media, I discovered @jeffberwick and his YouTube channel @dollarvigilante, which was undoubtedly a breath of fresh air that offered me an alternative view of things, radically opposite to the one that appears on TV. At first, I thought he was a crazy "anarcho-tv-preacher" with the intention of selling me a fancy "anarcho Vacuum cleaner", but as I was seeing more of its content, I liked it more and more and I discovered that many of its arguments had a lot of sense and coherence. It was even thanks to him that I discovered STEEMIT.

Jeff Berwick is a reference in the world of the cryptos and a real defender of freedom at its best. He defines himself as the defender of freedom against "the greatest enemies of humanity, governments and central banks." If you do not know him, I recommend you go through his YouTube channel and watch some of his videos, as it can help you to get an alternative and critical view of what is happening in the world today and does not appear in any TV.

Here I leave a video that I think is very interesting and which refers to the issue of this post. I hope you enjoy it!







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