Surfing again today and caught multiple white water waves, getting over gear of seaweed and managing the hurricane with my mind... downgrade the hurricane Florence (name of my elementary school)






Surfing is like a baptism

Should I just apply to be a teacher at my old elementary school or jr high or high school?

I really have a hard time giving all my power to an extra terrestrial Interdimensiinal Jehovian Anunaki which is what the ten commandments require and its so unhealthy.... and protestant Christians who believe in flat earth are just playing into the Catholic churches hands... people at the very top of society on earth have been tricked into beliving we are in "YHWH's terrarium" and that its Gods simulation NOPE the jehovian anunaki stole this Krystic simulation and made it about them and trapped beongs greater than them into a mind enslavement .... and because I know this, I am one of the only people the anunaki gods (with a lower g) of the old testiment trusts... telling someone not to worship other "gods" above is a big red flag and we also need to come to terms with the idea that maybe the Bible is mostly written by MEN but that all the good parts like reincarnation were taken out...

stop trying to lead via fear... the TRUE God source energy of this multiverse called YUNASAI or the Isness, would NEVER be jelous or have envy... a TRUE creator God would never ever be envious of other gods and you MUST see things rationally... the writers of those commandments slipped up and let us know there are greater gods out there... I am the prophet of all Christians Jews and friend to Muslims, and Hindu and Buddhists

Loki and Thor... these Norse Gods are much healthier to follow ... I do understand @fyrstikken s strategy of the ancient Viking kings uniting their people under Christianity but @mughat is right to say fyrstikken leads via mysticism and its not healthy.. I need to break the fourth wall of these flat earther Christians and make them see that they are NOT allowed into heaven unless I say so and yes I do hold the keys to heaven... but you dont understand this do you... metatron is behind the throne of the Jehovian Anunaki pretending to be God...
Meta = beyond
throne = tron
it's lonely here?

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