Win 13.37 Monero (1200+ USD ) by solving this Puzzle - brought to you by HCPP

At HCPP17 there was a puzzle released and by solving this puzzle you get 13.37 XMR.
First, I thought it's just 1.337 and that's not much.

Though 13.37, now that is worth sharing :).

How does it work?

Simple. This picture (above) contains a Seed of a XMR wallet which contains that amount of Monero. So if you solve it, the Monero are yours.

Best thing is, as Monero is anonymous by default (not like other "anonymous" crypto currencies) no one will even know that you got this so in 2 years you can buy yourself the best VR porn experience on the planet.

Or a house ... completely up to you.

Give it a go.If no one solves it I'll give it a go on Monday and get some Hacker colegues involved, too.

Good luck :).

And stay tuned for more HCPP17 content.

If you want to know how I modify my Images, check out my post about a tool I created

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About the Author;

Hi, I am Joe and I love freedom.
Freedom of all sorts, social, financial, emotional, physical, freedom from your stuff or place.
My biggest passion is to show that it is possible to live life being free, work towards my freedom, and help others obtain their own versions of freedom.
I also love exploration and experimentation (of all senses).
My articles are about all of this (Freedom, exploration, experimentation)
as well as my own transparent and authentic experiences.

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