Working Through Monday Blues

Mondays can be a hard transition time for me lately. I see myself scramble at times for purpose when I know others are back to work after the weekend. Not having a job has made me utilize my time in a completely different way.. I am not bound by the clock or calendar.

It’s “easier” to not think about things and move through life like an automaton. Sticking to strict schedules provides comfort of not having to decide or think for ourselves, but I’ve learned here’s a lot of danger in being too comfortable. It allows stagnation of spirit and over time, crippling anxiety when the freedom returns.

I had been denying a central child-like part of my being and numbing myself for financial comfort. It’s much more difficult for me to find my self-worth and motivation internally, but through the difficulty I have revitalized my entire being. These rich lessons have granted me redirection, self-love, patience and a much broader life perspective.

I have a tendency to be very flighty when it comes to committing to a vocation. I’ve looked into various fields but deep down I believe I’m some sort of healer. I don’t know what that means logically or how it will look professionally, it’s just something my soul keeps bringing me back to. I’ve cultivated a deep appreciation for my ability to listen to my instincts, now it’s just a matter of following through.

I hope to gain insight and Steem by sharing these thoughts.

Here’s a snake!


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