What is the right moisturizer for your face?

Moisturizers are one of the great products which are very helpful to make a soft, glowing and smooth skin. This product is very essential for skincare routine and beautifies your healthy glowing skin. I really love my moisturize for my skincare coz it can define your skin health and make soft and keeps hydrated skin which is the most important part is hydrated during all the day and night.
Moisturizers are available in lotion, gel, and cream form.

Types of Moisturizer

Cream and lotions

Cream and lotion are both very helpful, especially for dry skincare. It has water and oil which is the need for dry skin. I personaly love moisturizers in lotion form because they are best one to use for any type of skin. Creams are also formulated with olive oil and jojoba oil. If your skin oily then you can use oil-free lotions or cream.


Moisturise are in a gel for are formulated with water and adding with extra shine. A gel is easily absorved into the skin because it's water based and this is perfect to keep hydrated skin all the time. It's best to use for oily skin.

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