As more and more people fall ill due to the unsustainable ponzi scheme called “Smart Cities”, very few persons can find the culprit standing in plain sight, I will get back to this point. Our attention is concentrated on survival as we assist our dying friends and family members with love, food and what little is left of our own sanity. This moral support has dwindled as the thought police penetrates each corner of the globe, self-censorship is not easy to grapple with. But, the consequences of denial, has millions of homeless families defecating on the streets. Broken people are not just mentally ill, they have been depleted, burned out by this never ending “productivity” notion, that stems from religious hypocrisy, “God won’t let you get into heaven if your lazy”. The enormous waste of time spent, if not eighty percent of education has also misled parents and underestimated children. And what is worst; is that we are told "they are the experts", that we will ruin their future, threaten with jail time if we don’t give up our children to the system. Most teachers try to be good, it’s not their fault that they have to stick to the program.
How can we to begin to point out and understand, the inconceivable amount of garbage produced by these mindless thieves, conniving psychopaths; all in the name of “Modernity, Progress and Productivity”?
As “they” the looters and assassins’ that took over this pristine continent better known as “Atlantis” by the Greeks and Romans. Why all the mystery? Why hide the truth about this land? If not to save face when all is done and time reveals their hideous misdeeds.
The people of this land were happy to share, they could not imagine that they would be mistreated, killed and robed. Their culture and people portrayed as savages, or that the creatures of this land would be decimated, the forest sold for flimsy match boxes called homes, disposable like all the things conceived to control, buy and sell as note books, pencils, uniforms or plain toilet paper.
We tend to blame ourselves instead of the forces of greed embedded in the smart cities. We pay for the high cost of maintenance the facade of the soulless skyscrapers, yearn for artificial flavors at the supermarkets, stuck on a highway listening to echoes of unwanted melodies, while we glance at the landscape plagued with parking lots. This is what elementary schools are for, to teach indifference, to disregard reality and to become familiar with the obscene.

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