A Salty Steem Sunday Sipper

replace sand with salt

Salty Skramatters Steem Style

Ah shit I got the fine grade

Raw and uncut the pure polvo ! pagame entonces podemos hablar (in my El Chapo voice) For the non Spanish chatters or not trying to Google Translate that's "pay me then we can talk"

My time is my most precious asset and while it's been mostly fun engaging with the steem I'm thinking of taking a new approach to my steeming. Im gonna take my tribeless-no longer supporting or shilling anything here that doesn't consider mobile users-and basically viva la revolución stance and if your feathers get ruffled easily you might want to look away.

Being that steem is in reality a pay to play game I'm fully adopting this concept, therefore if you have never supported me via encouragement or shown me that you're not a blind faith follower I will be blind to you. Cue the music 🎶

I'm not talking about upvotes here. I'm just not investing myself in interactions that are driven by a desire to match wits with me and then cower away when that doesn't go as you had envisioned it. Most especially if we haven't run into each other before. I am a top engager week after week, check my resume, if I don't know you at this point and you come to tell me stop whining blah blah blah. I won't even take the time to mute you..

Sounds arrogant af doesn't it? Well, I don't take positions of moral inferiority I can't defend and my intentions aren't to hold people down nor do I go around picking fights or attacking people personally.. So cast your judgement aside and hear me out or kick rocks..

Do I incite people with my observations, yes, can I admit I sometimes I don't use tact or sugar coated words yes, Truth is I hate fighting I'm just great at it and have never lost a debate, I've had a few draws where I can merrily agree to a stalemate.. Triggered 🔫?

Some of you might be thinking this guy is a bit of a prick and thinks his shit don't stink, right? You might be right it's debatable 🤗 but again if we don't have a rapport here you will not be entertained by me. If we do have some previous interactions and you think I'm trash and want to tell me all about it I'll hope to mend that and share the soapbox..

I'll conclude with what is common knowledge to the old guard here. It's the great "steemit" debate video with Tone Vays which is still a tough pill to swallow today despite the fact that one of his pillars was the ponzi like 2 year powerdown that's now 13 weeks but still killing steem as a crypto contender.

BTW and FYI the steem shill guy Blake Miles is apparently no longer active and has only 60 SP so clearly as an early adopter his position has changed though I can't speak for him. But, he doesn't even care to speak for himself so have some more salt.

This post has been inspired by the pervasive popularity contest that stagnates this festering ecosystem and kills it's true potential. Having the opinion that steem isn't precious and perfect is unpopular and doesn't pay well.

Some of you are perhaps thinking nobody said its perfect and we are working on it, and oh BTW what the hell have you done except bitch and moan? These are the exact people I bought the salt for. There are absolutely people that wouldn't change a thing about steem and that causes my hope to slap me silly.

Of course I get the "if you don't like it you can get out" people too, and there is a very high probability they will see that happen. BUT, thats gonna take 13 more weeks and I definitely want to see the fireworks and even light a few before I decide if I'm still onboard the big picture steem ride..

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