Build Item Best Argus Mobile Legends.

Build Item Best Argus Mobile Legend

Argus is the most recent hero in the Mobile Legends game. He is a Fighter who has strong enough ability. For those of you who are interested in Hero Argus, you can buy it using 32000 BP or 599 Diamond.

In this opportunity andoidkuma will share the Best Item Build for Hero Argus. By buying the right item its attack to the enemy will become more deadly than usual. Before discussing more about Item Argus, we should first know the ability he has to make it easier to play it. Here's a complete twist about Argus skill.
The ability of Argus.

Warmonger (Passive) - After Argus receives or gives Damage to the enemy, the Demonic Blade energy will be filled (The lower the HP, the faster the sword is filled). After the Demonic Blade is fully charged, Argus will launch 2 basic attacks at once faster.
Demonic Grip (1) - Unleashes the Demonic Hand toward the target, gives 175 physical damage to the enemy Hero and moves to the back of the target, then slashes quickly to the enemy, giving 125 physical damage. If it is not about the enemy Hero, he will pull himself to that location.

Meteoric Sword (2) - After a while filling, Argus attacks the enemy with his Demonic Bladenya, giving 400 physical damage and making the enemy bleeding for 5 seconds. The enemy who is in the bleeding effect will leave a blood trail that makes Argus get an additional Movement Speed ​​as he walks on it.

Eternal Evil (3) - Argus turns into Fallen Angel and becomes immune to death for 5 seconds. 40% of damage provided during ULT will be converted to Argus's HP after ULT is completed.

Build Item Argus - The devil's sword attack is deadly.

Strongest Item Build Argus - The devil's sword attack is deadly

After knowing the 4 skills in Hero Argus, now is the time to discuss about 6 items suitable for Argus Mobile Legends. The combination of these items will make him stronger with a very sick Damage. So you have a great chance to get Pentakill. Immediately see Build Item Argus Mobile Legends - deadly attacks.

Scarlet Phantom.

Scarlet Phantom is the first item you should buy. With this item Argus will get additional Physical Attack, Attack Speed, and Crit Chance. In addition to the ability of this item, Crit Strike will increase Attack Speed ​​Hero by 25% and Crit. Strike Rate increases by 5%, for 2 seconds.

Boots Wizard.

As a carry, Argus needs speed items to improve his mobility. With Argus Boots Wizard item will get an additional Movement Speed ​​and get an additional 300 HP. In addition, if managed to get assists then the Hero will get 50 Gold.

Berseker's Fury.

The third item for Hero Argus is Berseker's Fury. With this item the Argus attack will increase quite high. So that the attack in lancarkan will result in more pain than usual.

Haas's Claws.

The next item for Argus is Haas's Claws. This item will provide additional physical attack and able to keep HP remain in safe limits. Because Argus will get an additional 10% Lifesteal if the number of HP is below 40%. In addition to any basic attack on the enemy, Argus will get additional HP.


The fifth item for Argus is Windtalker. This item will increase Attack Speed ​​Hero quite high. The ability of this item is Basic Attacknya able to produce 125 Magic Damage and speed up Movement Speed ​​Hero.

Blade of Despair.

The last Attack item for Argus is Blade of Despair. This item will greatly strengthen Phisical Attack. In addition Damagenya will be more painful when attacking the enemy with an abnormal attack. This item makes Argus more dangerous and deadly at the end of the game.

That's the Argus Mobile Legends Build Item we can give. To maximize its ability you can bring Inspire or Purify spell. Have a nice play.

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