Why is Mobile App Testing Always a Good Thing?

A lot of effort goes into mobile app development and you will not want things to take a turn for worse once your app is launched. This propels the need for app testing. Also, App Testing is a way of ensuring that your app is of good quality. Make quality a habit with you and this can only be done via app testing.

Even if you hire expert mobile app developers who write great code it is the app testers who make sure that the app is devoid of any functional and technical inefficiency. You will definitely not desire the nitty-gritty happening to jeopardize the reputation of your app once it goes into hands of real users. A lot of companies hire QA specialists. They guide the developers regarding what all things a final user expects from an app and what needs to be incorporated into the app. But then all this is not enough.

Mobile app testing addresses several more things such as:

  • Handling issues which can crop up before delivering a final product to the user.
  • Continuously undertaking the job of mistake prevention so that bugs do not crash the app.
  • Systematically ascertaining whether the app fulfills all requirements.

  • You will not want the end users if the app is little less than perfect. There are some startling facts to prove this.

  • If your app fails to load within 6 seconds, most likely the user won’t try it for next time.
  • 80% of people try to use glitching app less than 3 times.
  • If the app drains the battery approximately 36% of users will uninstall that app.
  • If there are any performance related issues almost 55% of people attribute it to an app rather than addressing problems at their end.

  • All this makes it more vital to test your app before it hits the market. It is in fact foolishness to launch an under-tested product. Testing should actually be an integral part of app development. It should be done at each and every stage of app development. This will help you spot a problem right at the start. Some companies hire services of app testers once the product is ready, but if you do this in process of app development, you are definitely going to benefit immensely. Furthermore, it takes more time to launch the app if testing is undertaken at the end.

    Why testing at a final stage, not a good move?

  • The testing team finds several bugs and glitches in the app. They inform the developers about the same.
  • The developers fix up the issues and send the app back for testing.
  • Now new bugs are discovered. Now the app is again sent back to developers for changes.

  • Now, this process leads to wastage of time and money. As two teams are not working closely enough this can lead to missing of deadlines, postponed release etc. So, test early, test continuously and automatically so that there is no delay in the launching of the app. Having an in-house app testing and development team is also a good idea as they can collaborate closely to give you a perfect app.

    Main Aim of App Testing

    The prime aim of testing is that your app displays a set of unique features:

  • Looks great on different screens.
  • Looks intuitive even in confined space.
  • Operates fast regardless of limited hardware.
  • Beats competition

  • Now, when you go for app testing, you are making sure that all above points are included in your app and justify the appropriate quality infrastructure.

    Make use of different Testing Approaches

    Continuous testing means that the app will run a wide array of tests. But then this can be quite costly. Intelligent QA teams generally go in for a bunch of diverse testing approaches at various stages of app development. For example, your app performance testing can be organized in the following manner:

  • First will be the resolution testing in which development team deploys a new beta build. The tester checks for bug fixes especially.
  • Then the tester does the smoke testing. In this, tester ensures whether there is anything wrong with fundamental features of the app.
  • The android or iPhone mobile app development team feels the need for a new update (such as introducing messaging functionality or social functionality to the app). In such a case, complete regression testing needs to be done so as to integrate new add-ons smoothly with old ones and fix any bugs if they crop up.
  • Summing Up:

    Well, most of the successful apps are characterized and recognized by their intuitive surface and quality parameters. The app needs to be developed as per UX principles relevant to the chosen platform (whether iOS or Android).
    Thus, ensure that your app has been processed through various testing stages or else probably you may lose your user base on a massive scale.

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