Collage Art - Mixed Media

I love mixing and matching different kind or art forms, but I have yet not shown you my mixmatch artwork that much. Well, that's going to change now. Weather you like it or not, here goes!

It all started with ads. Antiads. These are pictures from magazines that I scanned and edited in Photoshop.

Translations from first to last.

  1. You don't need anything more. You already have enough. DON'T BE CRAZY!
    The store promotes crazy days because of the "crazy" discounts they have.
  2. Hello! Hello! Don't buy, save.
    The original ad tells how much you can save by buying.
  3. Draining of natural resources.
    Original ad: storage clearance. (Finnish word tyhjentää can be translated both to clear something or drain.

The basic idea is that the original ad and the text in it are only slightly changed. The picture contains splashes that make the pic a bit more raggedy looking and the text says almost exactly the opposite what the original ad is meant to say, but with almost the same words. The message is turned around.

When my child was young, we played lots and lots of a board game called Mix-Max. The most fun part was not to collect the right bodies but to do weird combinations. I loved the game, but nowadays I have no-one to play it with. So perhaps because of that, lack of Mix-Max (I still have the game in my shelve) playing partners, I started to collect pictures of people from magazine ads and articles. Mix & match their bodies.

So here are some of the characters I made. I call them bodyswap people.
All images: CC BY-SA 4.0 - Insaneworks

"You talkin to me?"

Let all flowers bloom! You get laid in design patterns.

New sport: theatrical nordic walking jump.

"Does my head look big in this?"

Purple creature (watercolors, coloured pencil)

Final mixed media art (Photoshop, watercolor, photographs, magazine clippings)

Flower photo and Vertical horizon.

All images: CC BY-SA 4.0 - Insaneworks

That's all folks. For now. Be sure to tune in next time. Same time (or not), same channel. Good night, good morning, good day to you all!


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