None of the people in this world escaped from mistakes and sins, so stop cursing yourself and always fixated on the past

For a heart that is fragile, realize God is all things, God will always open the door of repentance for you, so never be discouraged because you feel your mistakes in the past are very great.

Because God's forgiveness is far greater than the mistakes you have made. Remember, life must indeed learn from mistakes, but you cannot continue to live in regret.

Hurry up and fix everything, throw away fear and worry, just be sure that God will always help you to return to Him if there is an intention in your heart to really improve everything.

Again, feeling sorry is fine, but make sure you don't keep getting discouraged because of your mistakes.

Get excited to get better soon, don't ignore human judgment that is sometimes nosy right, but focus on God's judgment so you don't break easily when trying.

And remember, None of the people in this world escaped from mistakes and sins, so stop cursing yourself and always fixated on the past.

Take valuable lessons from what has happened, no need to be too sad and sorry, just realize that today and the next day you have to be more careful in living your life


Yes, learn from the mistakes themselves, so you know how to interpret your life better, and so you know how to take steps so that you don't enter the same error hole.

Be wiser in addressing your mistakes, don't just regret it, but hurry and never give up to improve everything by continuing to make your life better in the future.

So stop you grieving, because your regret will be beautiful not because of your tears that continue to flow.

But when you are able to make your present life better, so that in the future your life is truly more meaningful and meaningful.

And every time you feel discouraged, especially when someone else is holding you up, remember that God is forgiving and merciful.

Because it is not a human who will give you goodness in the intention of being better, but God. And surely your repentance will be received by God when you are able to earnestly change your life for the better.

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