V for Vanished IV - Virginia's Missing Children November (2017)

This series has sought to explore the mystifyingly high rate of missing children in the state of Virginia.

According to the available data provided by the NCMEC website, Virginia lead the nation with the highest rates per 100,000 in 2016 (3.76) and, as best that I can piece together, Virginia leads the nation once again with the highest rate per 100,000 in 2017 (5.79). These rates are extremely high and profoundly troubling.

In Part I, we also discovered that the number of missing children in Virginia spiked in the month of October with (159) children reported missing.

From the latest data collected for the moth of November, the disturbing trend continues with (235) individual records of missing kids throughout Virginia.

When compared with the number of reported cases in states with much larger populations such as California and Florida the number of kids that have disappeared in Virginia are staggering.

In Part III of the series we also discovered that numerous profiles are being removed from the NCMEC’s website without any indication that any of these children have returned home safely.

All the data comes from the NCMEC database of missing children for the states of Virginia, California and Florida (accessed - October 10th to December 5th, 2017).

Virginia Records NCMEC

  • Records found 394

California Records NCMEC

  • Records found 615

Florida Records NCMEC

  • Records found 346

2017 Missing Children (up to November 30th, 2017)

Virginia: 529
Rate per 100,000: 6.29

California: 193
Rate per 100,000: 0.49



• Population: 39,250,017
• Missing: 15


• Population: 20,612,439
• Missing: 31


• Population: 8, 411,808
• Missing: 235

Screen Shot 2017-12-08 at 10.12.57 PM.png

These figures are striking.

With a population of close to 40 million inhabitants, California has just 15 children reported missing during the month of November. Although Florida has twice as many reported missing children, the combined totals of both of these states is well below the 235 profiles of missing children in Virginia.

In fact, there are more reported missing children in Virginia for the month of November than California has for the entire year totaling 193.

Within the NCMEC's Virginia database there are multiple duplicate profiles of children while there also exist profiles of the same individual but reported missing on different dates. These sorts of discrepancies were also detailed in Part III of the series.

NEW NOV MISS2017dec.png

These numbers are absolutely shocking and even eclipse the jaw-dropping figures from October 2017.

From my calculation, there are 193 reported missing children in California in 2017 thus far.

The Virginia numbers for November alone easily outstrip the first eleven months of California's missing.

Etching the Names of the Missing onto the Blockchain

The number, and rates, of children who go missing in Virginia is, frankly, incomprehensible. Just like in Part II of this series, I will be uploading the raw data for November to the Steemit blockchain in a post immediately following this one.

One of my biggest motivations for publishing the names of the missing children in Virginia is that many of these profiles are removed from the site without explanation. This way we can have an immutable record of all the missing without worry that some of these profiles may disappear. As you may have guessed already, it's quite difficult to compile this data as the NCMEC's website is constantly changing.

Another hope of mine is that, some of you out there may take the time to search for some of the individuals on social media. There is a ridiculously high number of profiles in the Virginia records that do not have a single photograph of many who have disappeared.

Unanswered Questions

Up until now, I've focused my attention on compiling a record of the missing and I've refrained from speculating on what in the world is happening in Virginia.

In another upcoming post, I'll be laying out my theory as to what's happening to the children of Virginia backed with some evidence that I believe is quite compelling.

In the meantime, Keep up the Good Fight and stay tuned for more in upcoming posts.

Additional Sources:


Images - popularmechanics.com



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