Wrong—MISSES Character Reveal

For today's reveal, we return to the artist group known as Graphics Manufacture that created the first three characters I presented, with an added twist.

Instead of a heroine this time, we have a villain.

Of sorts. I'll get to that in a moment. First, though, it's been said that a hero is nothing without a villain. The stronger the villain, ultimately, if they survive, the stronger the hero. In my way of thinking, it really works both ways. The better one is, the worse the other has to become to match it. It's a battle of escalation, really. I think that's a foundation upon which MISSES, the comic book/graphic novel series will be based on.

Eight weeks ago, I introduced the first of the characters and concept art I had for MISSES. If you're interested in looking at them, you can follow these links:

MISS Support

Generation One


Wrong color_head.png

Meet Wrong

Since time immemorial, certain forces have existed. They are not sentient unto themselves, but like any energy or material, they can be harnessed and used as the wielder sees fit. Fortunately, few have the ability to take on the full might or power such forces contain, but every so often, man finds a way to meddle in what He shouldn't, and these forces react accordingly, depending on their intended creation.

Wrong is such a force. For millennia, it brooded over all the planes of existence, more or less existing without shape or purpose, like an invisible mist. Then Man appeared and Wrong began to move, based on the dictates of the minds and hearts of the individuals who dwelt upon the Earths. In some cases, Wrong's effects were rather benign, but in others, horrific. Always, however, its lasting mark on people or civilizations depended largely on those people themselves, and how they drew upon the other forces that act as counterweights, or balances.

As was mentioned in the introductory post over two months ago, the story of MISSES takes place during a period where on this particular Earth, all parties have decided that life is better lived in the middle, rather than at the extremes, while fully recognizing that Man is a creature of extremes. Leave Man alone, and He will wreak havoc. Try to contain Him, eventually, He will break free and wreak havoc.

So, the solution was make everyone equal in all things, thus thwarting competition, the need for more, etc., but allow for four weeks out of the year for those inclined to give in legally to their basest instincts.

For the most part, this has led to Wrong concentrating mainly in the Earth's free zones, while leaving the rest more or less alone. However, with the experimentation that the MISSES Endeavor has been conducting, to elevate humanity, Wrong begins to grow to counter the rising level of good. In reaction to MISS Peak's nascent abilities, Wrong is imbued with an instinct level need to offer opposition. It essentially possesses a young man in the free zone on the island we know as Oahu, and begins to create problems.

Wrong, in and of itself, is neither male or female. It simply is. But depending on the gender of the individual(s) attempting to wield it, Wrong can gain form an appear as either, if not totally inhabit the corporeal form of a person.

At some point, Wrong actually gains sentience, and becomes primarily responsible for all the bad things that happen in MISSES, and its growing escalation. If not undone, Wrong's influence will cover the Earth, if not all the planes of existence, and wipe out all mankind in the process.

Concept Art

Wrong sketch v1.jpg

As mentioned above, I see Wrong as incorporeal mist. It can't really be seen or heard, but it can be felt. That, however, is impossible to draw. Or, at least in a very effective, not to mention menacing manner. And I wanted Wrong to be menacing. I wanted Wrong to appear invincible.

That meant taking on some kind of form, and though not initially to my liking, taking a somewhat human form.

So, the sketches, which look more like quick color renderings, were the first attempts to portray Wrong in some kind of visual fashion.

Wrong sketch v2.jpg

The first version seemed a little too discombobulated. The second version, seen above, was a little too defined. And, honestly, I wasn't going for a male shape per se. I had specifically asked for something more female in appearance, due to the way the major plot arcs will unfold. But it didn't seem to matter. This is what I got. And the more I looked at it, the more I began to like it.

However, I wanted something in between mostly cloudy and mostly man.

Wrong ink_72.png


Instead of another sketch, we ended up going straight to the inked version. This is what came back. I thought it was the best drawing so far of any of the characters, even if it was male looking. Just the look and posture of supreme power and confidence was amazing. It was definitely the look I wanted. So off to the color version we went.

Wrong color_Patreon.png


This is another piece of concept art that I think I actually like the inked version best, but I believe the essence of Wrong is still very much alive here. I think it's the eyes that do it for me and its serious expression. It stands in the way of whatever might be considered right, good, fair or benevolent.

Next Monday

One more character to go. I don't know if I've saved the best for last, but I like to think I did. This character has been mentioned several times, and a version of her was presented last week, but finally, she gets unveiled in her fully, powered up form.

So, until then...


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Images courtesy of Glen Anthony Albrethsen

MISSES ©Copyright 2017-2019 by Glen Anthony Albrethsen. All rights reserved.
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