MISS Place—MISSES Character Reveal

I mentioned in last week's reveal of MISS Time, that this week's post would feature a relative of hers. In fact, the next MISS is MISS Time's cousin, the daughter of the uncle who recommended sending MISS Time to the Millennial Institute of Social Sciences.

This is the sixth installment of the series on MISS reveals. The previous five are:

MISS Inform

Or, you could just go to the newest posts in the misses tag by following this link.

Let's meet the next MISS, shall we?

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Meet MISS Place

Aparecida Do Goi, as stated above, is the cousin of Tokemi Morais, aka MISS Time. Aparecida hails from another part of what we call Brazil. Her family is fairly well to do, like Tokemi's, but she prefers not to show it. Aparecida would rather deny herself of her comforts, and though barely a teenager at the time, was involved with a group of young adults who were disavowing their families' possessions for a simpler, higher from of living. It wasn't too long after that she was sent to MISS.

Of the five members of Team MISS, Aparecida has been attending MISS the longest. She is also the oldest, and the second tallest at just under six feet. She has a rather rough exterior, even though she grew up in a safe, healthy home. She takes pride in earning things of her own merit, and doing things extremely well. She doesn't like it when others eclipse her best efforts, but she is quick to acknowledge and respect those who are her superiors. Except when it comes to authority. She and the MISS higher administrators have had unpleasant run-ins from time to time.

Aparecida was barely 13 when odd things started to happen. Randomly, things would just disappear, oftentimes being discovered days or weeks later in a highly unusual place. Places some of the things wouldn't be able to get to easily.

Most of the time, the things that went missing only to be found sometime later were inanimate objects, but once it was the family dog, and another time it was Aparecida's younger brother.

It was after her brother's disappearance that Aparecida's parents began to make the connection between their oldest daughter and the bizarre incidents. Her brother was found at the bottom of a dried up well after he cried all night and was heard by a neighbor the next morning. The boy was able to recount feeling strange just before he disappeared from view. Aparecida was the last person he saw before finding himself all alone in a strange place. He essentially cried himself to sleep, then woke up at the bottom of the well.

Aparecida confessed to having something to do with her brother's disappearance, along with everything else over the short months, but that she didn't know how it happened or how to control it. Sometimes it was out of anger or annoyance, sometimes out of sadness, and other times, it just happened, without her feeling anything.

Not knowing what else to do, her father started searching for help. After a few more weeks, he came across information about MISS, and after talking to the director and visiting the campus, decided Aparecida should go there. She didn't want to, but neither did she want people or things disappearing around her. So, she went.

At least she had her younger cousin with her when Tokemi arrived, and by then, she had a couple of friends she somewhat tolerated. It was about then that MISS Able's accident happened, and Aparecida realized that she wasn't randomly making things vanish anymore. Instead, others were experiencing their things missing, especially after just thinking they wanted to get rid of something. So doing made them just blink out of sight.

It was determined that Aparecida's abilities were projecting outward. Like Tokemi, she was put in isolation for a time, which didn't sit well with her at all. She didn't know why these things were happening. She hadn't asked for any of it.

When MISS Peak's accident took place, Aparecida could control her abilities for the first time. The MISS officials worked with her to not only make things vanish, but to also reappear. She was able to actually transport people or objects from one side of the room to the other, though doing so more than a few times would tax her strength. She began a heavy workout regimen to build her physical stamina, combined with deep mediation therapy to help increase distance and duration.

Then, it was MISS Ion's turn, and everything changed again. Not only could Aparecida send people and objects dozens of yards, but now, she could send them thousands of miles. Not only that, she could take them between planes of existence. Her abilities increased a thousand fold, and for the first time, she was able to move herself, as well.

Because of this, the nickname she had received due to things vanishing—Misplace—was upgraded to MISS Place—and she became a founding member of Team MISS.

Concept Art


The Sketch

I wanted MISS Place to be tall and thin with an attitude, but mellowed somewhat. Aside from maybe her facial expression, the attitude ended up translating to her hair, the string bracelets on her arm, and not wearing shoes. Her desire to eschew comforts or symbols of status is still very much a part of her.

I also wanted to have something depicting herself in the act of moving from one place to the next. To begin with, that meant the wavy lines primarily to the right of her.

Having learned that things would continue to evolve through the different stages, I gave the go ahead for the next phase, after asking for a couple of changes.



I decided I wanted a different kind of effect for MISS Place's moving from place to place. Thus the wavy lines gave way to a circle of shimmering stars. I also asked to have simple sandals put on her feet, since another character would have bare feet.

I still wasn't very happy with the new moving effect, though, but the rest of MISS Place was coming together nicely. I asked to see what else could be done for the effect, which I was told would happen in the color stage.



This is the first color result. As you can see, the color addition to the effect of moving was essentially kaleidoscopic, or even psychedelic, and you can see like another version of her behind and to the right. It was kind of cool, but I wasn't completely happy with it, so I gave some more instructions for a change. I also decided that the white hair I originally asked for needed to be a different color.

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Those changes led to the final version. As you can see, the shimmering rainbow is gone, replaced by two different scenes—one on the edge of a park or rural area, the other definitely urban, or downtown. She looks like she is stepping from one to the other, which is want I liked the best. Essentially, that's how her abilities work. She goes from the place she is at, through a portal to another realm, and then comes out of it to the new place, wherever that might be. Short jumps, long ones, they're all instantaneous.

And that's it as far as the concept art goes.

There are two more members of Team MISS to reveal. As were the other two, MISS Place was drawn by the artist known as VShane.

Next week, I reveal perhaps the oddest member of Team MISS.

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Images courtesy of Glen Anthony Albrethsen

MISSES ©Copyright 2017-2019 by Glen Anthony Albrethsen. All rights reserved.
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