MISS Lead—MISSES Character Reveal

I suppose it doesn't happen very often, but maybe every generation or so, a few who were born for a certain reason, to fulfill some task, actually do rise up, embrace their purpose, and reach their potential. Today's MISS reveal is one such individual. Someone who was born and raised to save a world. Does she succeed? Answering that question, along with various other stories, is what MISSES the comic book/graphic novel series is all about.

Over the last seven weeks, I've been revealing MISSES characters one at a time. If you've somehow missed out but are interested in reading about the rest, please follow the links:

MISS Support

Generation One


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Meet MISS Lead

Noelani Kekoa was born on a different Earth, or rather Earth in a different plane of existence. Her ancestors, along with many others, were saved from a fleet of marauders by a being of light belonging to the Effulgent. For over two hundred years, they have lived in harmony with the earth, becoming highly intelligent and skilled people.

Every four years, the people of the different island nations gather for a long weekend of games, which include the choosing of the MISS, or the one who is to return to the Mother Earth and save the people from themselves. Only young women between the ages of 14-18 can participate in the MISS competition, and they must exemplify all the traits of modesty, intelligence, spirituality and strength.

So far, not a single MISS has been chosen, though a few young women have come close.

Noelani, from before she was born, was believed by her mother to be the MISS. She was raised to incorporate all aspects of the MISS. Many have come to believe that she is the MISS, and that the tests and rituals of the MISS competition are only a formality.

Most youth might feel the pressure of such a burden of glory and bow under its weight, but Noelani thoroughly enjoys and embraces the ideals of MISS. She becomes the living embodiment of it. And as such, she does become the MISS, and along with her protector, is transported to Mother Earth.

Something happens, though, in the passing between realms. In the split second difference between their entering the portal, the protector is lost and Noelani finds herself alone in a world where nature has been driven back by metal and concrete.

She makes her way to MISS (the Millennial Institute of Social Sciences), and arrives a day or so before MISS Peak's monitoring session. When the accident occurs, the MISS program is nearly shutdown, but the girls are allowed to stay and attend regular classes and also continue their MISS designations.

Unlike the rest of the girls, Noelani is not affected by the accident. The abilities she possesses prior to coming to Mother Earth still exist, and over the course of the next few months, these abilities become magnified a thousandfold. So much so, that everyone recognizes her as the Ultimate MISS, MISS Ion.

That's right. The same MISS Ion that has been mentioned in many of the other reveals.

Given how complete Noelani's abilities and control are, members of the MISS Endeavor leadership decide to allow another test, but this time with major precautions. It is to take place in a large dormant volcano several thousand of miles in the middle of what we know as the Pacific Ocean.

Again, as has been mentioned before, something goes awry, and a massive explosion of energy takes place. So massive that it radiates around the world a few times, affecting many people, especially the girls at MISS.

Somehow, Noelani survives. She no longer has even a millionth of the power she possessed as MISS Ion, but she does retain a couple—the ability to lead and inspire, and different abilities involving lead, the element. Eventually, not only is she able to command lead, she is able to transform into a being of living lead.

Thus, from the tragedy of MISS Ion is Noelani reborn as MISS Lead.

Concept Art



Miss Lead was the first character I gave to the artist known as VShane to design, so it took a while to get things right. I mentioned that I wanted her tall, Polynesian in appearance, with an arm of lead and a stylize M on her uniform. I got the stylized M (which looks really nice), and the lead arm. I think she does have the appearance of a larger young woman, but I didn't think she looked Polynesian at all. Since that was pretty integral to who Noelani is, that meant another round of sketches.


The above sketch came out much closer to what I was hoping for as far as Noelani's face. As you can see, her upper body got thicker while her lower body seemed to get shorter and thinner. I was hoping for some kind of proportional look, yet still bigger all around, but the instructions I gave ended up doing the opposite. And in giving some directions on her uniform (I decided against a full body suit), part of the midriff opened up and her pants seem to have a long pleat around her waist.

Deciding we needed to clear some of this up, I asked for another modification.


Here we see a better idea of where I was going with the uniform and her proportions. She still seems thicker up top and shorter than I wanted, but we're getting there. Plus, you'll notice that the stylized "M" is gone.

The original intent of the "M" was to serve as a meter of how high each girl was in each MISS aspect. After thinking about it more, I decided maybe that would put each of them at a disadvantage, especially going up against an adversary. It was meant more of a way for each girl to see how they were improving, so the "M" is gone.

I decided I might as well get as close to what I wanted as I could, so one more sketch.



This one came back much better in my opinion. She's taller, she looks more proportional and I believe she's ready for the next stage. Except we have the "M" back and the pleat has returned to the shirt. That can be taken care of in the inking stage. Finally, it's time to move on.



For me, it's amazing what happens just from pencils to inks. Everything looks more refined, detailed, and more real. The lead arm is more pronounced, the uniform is more defined, and now we've even got a background. The nice tropical flower even shows up on the side of her head a little better.

Happy with the way this turned out, I figured we should get on with the colors.

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The final look. Flower stands out. Skin tones are more or less where I thought they should be, along with her lead arm. Her hair wasn't as long or as full as I wanted, and I thought it should be more black than brunette. She also looks a little older than I wanted her to be, but part of that would be natural given her stature. I still wanted her to be taller and wider, too, but by this point in the design, I felt like MISS Lead was close enough, and that it was time to move on.

Next Monday

We're down to the final two remaining characters.

Next week's character will be different in various ways, as the reveal will feature the first villain (of sorts) and the first male (also of sorts). How's that for teaser ambiguity?

Until then...


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Images courtesy of Glen Anthony Albrethsen

MISSES ©Copyright 2017-2019 by Glen Anthony Albrethsen. All rights reserved.
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