MISS Able—MISSES Character Reveal

Welcome to week two of character reveals for MISSES, an original comic book/graphic novel series I've been developing.

Last week, I started things off with MISS Inform. If you didn't see her post, and would like to catch up on her, you can find MISS Inform here.

This week, we actually go back in time a little as far as the MISSES Universe is concerned, to a character who, unfortunately in a tragic way, kicks everything off. Most of that story I will save for the comic books/graphic novels, but hopefully I will give you enough to pique your curiosity.

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Meet MISS Able

Rhyme Skousen came to the Millennial Institute of Social Sciences (MISS) five years before MISS Inform. She became the second MISS to become elevated, but it was only after taking things into her own hands that her powers manifested.

That's because, prior to her going into the morphing chamber, no one really paid attention to her. In fact, she was so easy to overlook, whenever someone actually did remember or wonder about her, she was referred to by the nickname Missable. She just didn't stand out, and so she was often lost in the crowd.

This was an issue that had plagued Rhyme most of her life, and it caused her a lot of pain. She just detested being ignored. When she learned about MISS and the MISSES Endeavor, she ran away from home and applied. It took some time, since her paperwork kept disappearing, but she persevered and finally was admitted.

However, over the ensuing three years, she never did get recognized as someone who should attempt elevation, so after another character went into the morphing chamber first (check out next week for who) and gained tremendous abilities, Rhyme couldn't stand it anymore. After observing how everything worked, she went into the chamber alone in the dead of night and transformed from Missable to the high functioning MISS Able.

As MISS Able, Rhyme could do anything she was tasked to do, and do it extremely well. For a short time, she rivaled the capabilities of next week's character. Physically, she was stronger, more invulnerable, with more stamina, greater speed, dexterity and athletic prowess than any other human being. Her intellect increased, to where she could learn, retain and recall information almost instantly, assess situations in a heartbeat and provide and then perform the correct solution. Emotionally, she was much more stable, though she still harbored plenty of resentment (something that became her undoing).

As I hinted to earlier, however, her elevated life came to an abrupt end when an attempt to push her limits resulted in the destruction of the morphing chamber, and Miss Able's total obliteration. Not even traces of her on a subatomic level were ever found.

Concept Art

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The Sketches

Last time I suggested how hard it could be sometimes to communicate what I thought a character should look like to the artist. Miss Able's look was another one of those times. Again, as I also mentioned in the previous post, it was more of me not knowing what I wanted, versus insurmountable gaps in communication.

However, the process of going through sketches based on a general description, or what I didn't want, did help to hone in on what I did want, and I think that is demonstrated in these sketches.

The one above here, though ultimately rejected, gets a lot right. I wanted the MISS Able, as one of the first true MISSES to wear a school uniform that would then be incorporated into her elevated look. A nice blouse and skirt ensemble. I wanted it modest, and with either long socks or leggings and some kind of footwear. As you can see, I got that.

What I didn't want, though I asked for it, was the hair. I wanted it somewhat unkempt and wild. I got curly, with what looks to me like sideburns.

I also got what you see hanging around her neck, something that resembles a timer. I'm not even remembering how or why that became a thing.

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In this next sketch, you see another interpretation of the first. If I remember correctly both of these initial sketches were sent to me at the same time. This one is wearing a headband, and some pink has been added for effect. You can see something—smoke, energy trails—emanating from her hands. That was something I did ask for. In the end I requested those power effects be more of a general glow or aura around her entire body.

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The third version of the sketch finally hit the spot. The hair becomes more conventional, though with a level of unruliness, and the darker version of her hair and uniform coloring were settled upon, along with her facial appearance and expression. She looks a little older (at 17, she would be). The time piece around her neck is gone. While not entirely what I had envisioned, I felt this was version of MISS Able was good enough to move on to the inking stage.

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Quite a bit of cleanup in the inking stage, but not necessarily a whole lot changes visually. MISS Able's hair loses what it had of unruliness to be very nicely combed, and her uniform gets a few additions, including the circles and stripes. You can now see an outline of energy around her.

I think of all the art, this is the one I like the best. It just looks good.

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Unlike last week, where the look of the uniform changed from sketches to ink to final rendering, MISS Able's uniform stays true to what I was going for. She looks like she could be in an all girl's school, or the equivalent of Star Fleet Academy. Aside from something to potentially obscure her face, like a mask, or some other technique, I'm happy with her general look. I might still want her hair a little more disheveled, but that's always something that can be worked on.

Just as it was for MISS Inform, all of MISS Able's artwork comes from Graphics Manufacture.

That's what I have for MISS Able.

Until next time... Enjoy!

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Images courtesy of Glen Anthony Albrethsen

MISSES ©Copyright 2017-2019 by Glen Anthony Albrethsen. All rights reserved.
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