This one is about... Not sure yet.

Ahh! It's been two weeks since I last posted!
It's been bugging me every night when I go to bed, and I promise myself that I will write a post the following day and then when the following day arrives, I get so busy doing other things that I forget to write a post. And it's been a vicious cycle for the past two weeks.

But here I am!

So, an update. Damien and I are 100% settled into our new home. Smog is also comfortable. I let her roam around every so often so she can identify our home as her home too. The other day I had her on my belly, she was just walking around, minding her own business and then I covered her with my shirt and she bit my belly button! Hahaha! It wasn't sore but I definitely got a big fright.

I have been slacking with my exercise routine and I feel absolutely horrible about it. I wish my area was safe enough for me to go walk around the block, but unfortunately it's not. Okay, well, it might be but my anxiety won't let me leave my house unless I'm accompanied by Damien - and he's not much fun to walk with because all he does is complain. The only cardio I get done is when I clean the house, and when I clean the house, I clean the house. I put my music on, change into comfortable clothes that won't get in the way of my cleaning and dancing, tie my hair in a bun and put my contacts in so my glasses don't fall off when I get my dance on. And I do that for about an hour once a week. I wish I could do it every day but that would waste my cleaning products.

This picture was taken this morning. I was feeling blue, realized that I hadn't taken a picture in a while so I went to the changeroom in my shop and done took this picture. This just goes to show that you're almost gaurenteed to see me with either coffee in my hand or a smile on my face - no matter what mood I'm in.

I've been budgeting and calculating for the passed two weeks, non stop. I'm not sure if I do it because I'm bored or if I actually enjoy doing it. My brothers, Andrew and Chris are visiting me for a week! From the 30th of June until the 7th of July. I'm so excited to see them again. But obviously, having 2 extra mouths to feed has completely turned my budget upside down and inside out. Now, instead of one meal lasting us 2 days, it's going to last us one day. So yup, let's see how this visit goes. I'm really hoping that I will not have to use my credit card while they're down. But anyway, I'm just super excited to be with my brothers again. So if anyone has any ideas on how to keep a 10 and a 13 year old busy so they don't get bored and eat me out of house and home, I would appreciate it.

Damien and I are going to be getting our kittens this weekend! We are so eager to meet them. We haven't decided on names yet.

Thank you for reading!
I will be sure to post more often. Sorry for slacking. ❤️

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