Quantum Leaping


We are all making quantum jumps every day. The definition of this is simply that there are more possibilities in each moment than a yes/no, true/false, right/wrong scenario.

When life is busy doling out the lemons and Murphy's Law seems to be winning, we can learn to redirect our thoughts in the same way a url can be re-directed to point to something else. Our consciousness can be pointed to something better.

Instead of wallowing in what isn't working, we can reframe the moment by asking new questions.
"What, in this moment, IS working?"
"What IS good about this moment?"
"What is the miraculous solution that I cannot yet see?"
"What questions could I be asking?"

When your vibration lifts, so do your mood, your thoughts, your emotions, and your bandwidth of perception. More becomes available to you.

In an Infinite multi-verse all things are possible. There are only varying degrees of probability.

Don't interrupt yourself in the act of doing miracles. Feed the higher vibration.

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