What I have learned so far here at steemit

Good morning to all you Kings and Queens of Steemit ,

I found out about steemit whilst surfing on YouTube for idea's to earn at home. I really liked the idea of mining for bit coin, however to my chagrin I am ill equipped and didn't have the resources to buy said gpu's (I have a laptop). However, I did find a YouTube video about decentralized YouTube replacement and I was like ok yeah I like this. I think it was the fact that I can't stand all the damn ads on youtube.

Do you want some help with earning at home?

So I go to this dtube place and try to sign up. Then from there I had to sign up for steemit. I wanted to actually just veg out and watch dtube vids thinking oh vote for pay and ended up with a steemit account ...well 4 or 5 days later that is. We all pretty much know the how of how we got here. Now I have told you all the why I came here.


What am I going to get from all this?

I have chosen to write about the important lessons and some of the fails I have had here. I hope that by sharing I can help anyone who reads this to become a super steemian, and be truly successful at what they decide to do. While here at steemit, it's your time and your blog so please be wise and know yourself. This is your time and your effort to be spent please do so with passion.

No I said super steemian not super saiyan . You know what?... never mind let's keep goin alright?

Effort in rewards out.

I am here to help anyone that needs it.By reading this and following what I show you I believe this will greatly improve your quality of life here at steemit. We can make this a good experience by learning from examples. I will motivate you to write content and be rewarded from that work you put in.


Fix it tip: You don't decide who likes your content. Stop adding please up vote in your post. This is desperate I am not an expert here but I know it is called steemit as in esteem from your peers. Not beg for pennies to strangers. When you first start out it is not going to be easy.

The passion the warfare.

The post's that have made me a little steem are the one's where I enjoyed what I was writing about. I could make some jokes and enjoyed the topic. The posts I have asked follows or up votes for really didn't do that well. I recon that is why I asked for the follows and up votes.

try this: open a text file write ten topics you want to blog on. Then go back read through and try to feel how much you want to write about them. Do you see any that just totally turn you off well delete that topic.You should be learning what really gets you going what makes you frothy when you type and talk.

Now some tools for you.

There are tools that will help you grow and expand but learning to use them is up to you. I could give you a hammer but you have to swing it. So with that drumroll please ........................ steem follower. You will need to sighn up for this at steemfollower.com/?r=3361 .

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Try it it's not going to kill ya.

Once you are signed up promote your link this will give you some perks and points. You can exchange follow for follow and just try to make connections. Here at steemit that is what it is all about not playing a popularity game make connections write about what you love make videos about what inspires you. I think it will help you make some new Acquaintances.

Tool number 2 Steam voter

This is an auto voting tool being new at steemit the up vote curating thing can be hard. So sign up and learn about this https://steemvoter.com . Add me why not I create quality helpful funny content all the time. Why? Because it is free and you get 3 active rules when you are new here. It will help you.

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Free pictures to use and share even commercially

You can get free google pictures by searching then select images, then in the advanced search options scroll down to the part where it says filtered by license type and select free to share even commercially. Wala no copyright infringements no subscriptions to photo stock. But go outside and take some pictures your self even if its on a phone. In the daytime most phones can give a better picture then nothing.


OK that is it. I have given a lot of value and information that I am sure you all can use. Would you like more? Then guess you will have to follow and read my blog then. {ha ha ha} If you want to I will check out your's as well. If these tips helped you or you are going to try this out show me some love. You know how to come to give? Then you will receive rewards. So please in the comments lets talk.

Showin you all love

How can I help ? I am here for ya. Thank you to all that have followed I am blown away cheers to all 300 of you!!! Your comments and attention keeps me going. I appreciate each and every one of you.cheers to you all for taking the time to read this. Keep moving forwards never back.

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