Some differences I have learned while living in Australia

Good morning you Kings and Queens of steemit I wanted to write a few differences I have learned about while living and loving life down under. First I want to iterate I am not bagging on Australia in the least nor am I bashing the U.S.A there has been, and will be plenty of that for times to come. I just want to write about differences of things that when you are born on one side of the equator then decide hey I am going to Australia to be married and start a new life, you are sure to notice. The really scary one I may have wrote about this before, but it is still true. It frighted the crapper out of me to ride on the left side of the road.
I say ride because I was sure I would never drive again.I continuously kept getting into the drivers side which kinda sucked because even though I know my left from my right my subconscious kept wanting the passenger side to be the right side of the vehicle. Thankfully I got that all sorted now.

The next thing that was a culture shock to me is that as violent and sexually themed as a lot of U.S.A. television shows can be, the USA usually only has nudity and curse words on pay TV. In the great land of Austrailia here it's like after a certain time I think 9 p.m. cursing and nudity can be on free to air tv.

Another difference is the music, Australia commercials are very musical there seems to be a musical theme to every ad here.I thought I would never get the banjos out of my head from that damn hose link song.Often I would go around humming a song that was a ad to a golf course or some jewelery store. Great music though just it sinks in my head and takes a while bashing against a door to get it out again.

The distance between places: there are measurements in decimals here instead of miles but why would you tell me that something is just down the road? You know good and darn well two tanks of gas later... it is really far. It would be a more fair and merciful description.Don't fall for this lie, just down the road can be anywhere from are we there yet to blowing out your next birthday candles far.I apparently arrived after the how many beers does it take to get there measurement. Just my luck ha ha. People back in the maybe... OK probably not so good Ole days would buy a slab of beer and gauge how far a place was by slab aka suitcase about 24 beers a slab distance.
Seasons, It is hard to get used to having winter in summer and summer in winter.Most of my family and I can no longer relate to talking about the weather but four years later and I still love the weather here.
I even love it when I have to buy new shoes when they spontaneously combusted from walking on the footpath.aka sidewalk ha ha.

Other then always seeming to be introduced as my American husband I am a human being and we aren't all that different for the most part. There are kind people here and they are the ones I tend to hang out with. So that's about it for now. I would like to thank you who are reading and I hope you got some entertainment from the yank down under.

Are there experiences like this you would like to talk about? Picking up and moving it's never easy at first is it?

Cheers :)

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