This is how P.A.L. helped me.....What can it do for YOU????

After being on Steemit for a few days and dabbling in the Peace, Abundance, Liberty (P.A.L.) discord channel, I decided to go all in this morning and throw myself into the chat. Well my belly flop into the pond payed off, and I met some really helpful, funny and kind people. I must confess; I was beginning to wonder if I had what it took to be a quality content producer here for this great community. Eventually, I became re-energized and motivated to, as Dory (from Finding Nemo) says, “just keep swimming”.

Now I am not the most tech savvy individual that ever existed, but I know just enough to know I don’t know anything. So as I participated in the discord channel, I began to ask some questions on how to get set up on all the appropriate sites and get this……my caveman-minded-ass got it done with a little help from my friends in P.A.L.

If you’re a minnow like me and are looking for a group that can help re-energize your spirit, or lift you up mentally; come check out the Minnow Support Project. If you’re looking for a hand out this is not the place for you….. just keep swimming on by…BUT!!! If you’re looking for a hand up, advise, constructive criticism, or like me you just needed a recharge on your swim-o-meter, come by and check us out! Say hi, or better yet, swim on up to the bar have a seat and drink from this HUGE pond.
special thanks to @aggroed and the rest of the big fish in P.A.L.
HUGE THANK YOU to @r0nd0n
To my brother @liberty-mined thanks for showing me this great community

Till we meet again stay safe and vigilant.

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