It's good, if you can STEEMIT.

According to, bad means "having a wicked or evil character; morally reprehensible. On the other hand, good is defined as "morally excellent; virtuous; righteous; pious".
Now, when you try to draw a line between bad and good, there is a matter of the individual or group of people involved. Now, most of us tend to be Ethnocentric, when defining good or bad, we tend to view the world on the basis of our own cultural values and norms. We have the mindset that what we were brought up to believe is good is by default “good” and if others do things that contradict this belief of our’s, then such individuals are by our beliefs and standards “bad”.

Some people neither smoke, drink nor gamble and they have no problem with people who indulge in any of these activities. However, some people detest anyone no indulges in any of these activities. They see such people as lords of evil and will not want anything to do with them.

I once heard a man define a bad thing as something you would not want people to catch you doing, for fear of being reproached. Now, if that is the case, a good thing should be something that you have no fear of being caught doing. Anything that you have no fear of being caught doing can be shown to the world.
For example, I know of a girl who engaged in the “Escort” business to send herself through school. I used to be biased towards people who did this, until I met this girl. She did it for a reason, she was serious with life and eventually she was able to go through school. She was not opportuned to have anyone to finance her education and she took up the “business”. My normal mindset would have judged her to be a bad person but upon examining the matter critically, I have to admit that she was only doing her best to survive in a tough world. She was not engaging in the “business” for the sake of going on trips or spending the money on frivolous activities, rather she was doing it due to the fact that she wanted to be educated and have a University degree. She had a vision and eventually achieved her dream. She wasn’t ashamed of what she did, as it paid the bills. I can swear to it that if she was on Steemit now, she would share the tales of her escapades and you definitely wouldn’t be able to make her feel bad about it.
Do things that you wouldn’t have a problem being caught doing. Do things that you can come out here and discuss with everyone. I’m adopting a new saying that goes thus “If you can’t Steemit, don’t do it”.

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