Its okay to be a Minnow, but staying one is....

Many people like to be identified by names associated with starters and they think it is just the best way to go.
Being a minnow is okay but staying a minnow is just bad. Many think its cute, but I say it is bad.

Steemit is a social network that pays you to be yourself and being yourself is what will determine your payout. If you decide to remain a minnow, you will continually get a minnow's mite and thank goodness for the #MinnowSupportProject which is the home of minnows.

Being a minnow is like being a child and as a child you had to go through the creche and kindergarten. As a minnow, you were fortunate to have had your creche and kindergarten on this platform all thanks to @aggroed and the wonderful team at the Peace Abundance and Liberty network. You have been nurtured mentored and even given lots of freebies, now time to grow into a Dolphin or even a whale.

It is characteristic of some persons to feel the need to remain in the pod, in this case, the #MSP. Remaining in the pod when you ought to head into the ocean to contribute your part will spell doom for it. New minnows are being introduced every second and like you when you first happened here, they need the bed and feeders you had. They need to be nurtured and cared for while preparing them for the new reality ahead.

So stop being a Minnow for too long. You may ask how you can stop being a minnow and contribute to this project so the real minnows can benefit what you benefited.

  • Delegate SP and contribute to the growth of #MSP. - Recently there seems to be a need for the #MSP delegation pool to be upped as there has been some withdrawals of SP. Read @sammosk post. I have been here and have delegated and looking to do more, especially since I have been running a campaign t get more people on Steemit and so far we have registered over 30 new accounts with most of them already on the platform getting fed.
    Delegating Stem power is easy and it makes it possible for the #msp to keep being a home to minnows like yourselves when you first happened here.
  • Be the big brother. - You remember when you first happened on the #msp channel and asked your way around and was lucky enough to find the wonderful admins and users who helped you navigated the site and threw some upvotes your way? Help someone too and you can do this while on the channel chatting and also telling others about the good #msp does.
  • Think community. - If there is anything that has made Steemit and the #MSP thrive it is community and a sense to genuinely participate and collaborate. Show someone the ropes and let them experience the beauty that lies in being part of a community.
  • Think like a whale. - Thinking is free so if you want to think why not think like a Whale? It is only those who go beyond and above their station in a quest for dominion that really dominate. Just make sure to think in the light of being the next Dolphin or Whale the Steemit community is waiting for.

The #MinnowSupportNetwork has been a home to so many and the track record of Good this community which I like to call Minnow Town has under her belt is exceptional and unrivaled yet.

It is okay, I mean absolutely okay to be a minnow, but staying one when you ought to be a Whale is just wrong. Lend a hand to the Community that support Minnows on a platform preaching Peace, Abundance and Liberty.

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