MSP Anti-Abuse Team Weekly Report #27


Anti-Abuse Team Weekly Report #27

Friday - March 9th - 2018

As more and more of the actual management of the bot and it's functions becomes automated, more and more of the team is able to lend a hand in checking content and catching multiple-account abuse. This means we are seeing a much more steady increase in the numbers each week.

The details of this weeks prune of the member-list -

  • 15556 Members before this week's prune was run. (1086 new accounts since last week)
  • 30 Day Prune has removed 319 dead accounts. (32 more were removed this Prune.)
  • This leaves our count at 15237 Members after the prune.
  • ~1480 Peak Concurrent users this week. (Steady growth.)

Updated stats on Bans and Blacklist -

  • 2355 Discord bans (+121 new from previous)
  • 2726 accounts in total are now Blacklisted by @minnowsupport (+169 from previous!)

The Charts

Member count data over time:

This shows the trend of members gained over time. I use the number of users counted after each purge each week.


Blacklist Counts by Type:

This gives a breakdown of the major categories we list an account under in our Blacklist.


In summary:

New member growth is slowing a bit, but we are just about positive at this point that it has to do with more of the serial abusers realizing it won't work and giving up.

A quick review of things that get you blacklisted:

  • A single image or even multiple images, with very little text or only a basic bit of information with it.
  • An embedded YouTube or DTube video with zero additions to the post that provide value.
  • Attempting to gain multiple upvotes outside our 1 per cool-down by any means.
  • Any major violation of our community guidelines and rules. (This usually has to do with treatment of other users on the platform.)

Not all of these result in a ban from Discord since we want you to learn and improve.

Check out this post for more information.

Graphs always make us feel better.

If you have any questions, please contact me on MSP or MSP-Probation

Thanks -


MSP Moderator, Sheriff and Anti-Abuse Team Leader

Proud Moderator and supporter of the Minnow Support Project - Brought to you by:





Police-style whale image is a modified version of the MSP Logo by @malicered
All images used fall under CCO License unless otherwise specified, or they are created by the author and released under the same license.

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