PART:3 How the Aeroplanes comes into being

The age of steam
Hensons's start his work by designing in 1842 by using the Cayley's work for airial movements.He designed the first one afircraft with the fixed propeller along with the wings. The first aeronautical exihibition was held in 1868 at the London in the Crystal Palace.In this exhibition "John Stringfellow" was awarded by $100 prize for the work he done.He work a lot for this purpose.He achieved a success because he develop the first powere flight using 10 ft wingspan monoplane in Chard Somerset.

Then later on in 19th century specialized studies have been started, Many people work for the field and specialized documents have been released before the start of 20th century.AMong them there is a one man named "Matthew Piers Watt Boulton" Who studied the basic and leading flight controls in the 1868.Along these work another man named "Wenham with Browning" who design and develop a wind tunnel in 1871.

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Then later on in 1856 a Frenchman gain another success , he made his flight by using his horse pulled by the horse near the beach nad made his first flight. Then people are getting advance in this field another "Frenchman Alphonse Penaud" get involved more in the concept and work more than other and advance in the theory and made research regarding aerodynamics and develop successful models of aeroplanes and helicopters. Then he flew his first aerodynamically wing plane in 1871 and he named the aeroplane he flew is "Planophore".

A man come from the England named "Hiram Maxim" who was the American engineer.He build the first large machine that contain all the parts to fly a machine like arm rig,wind tunnel and a large wingspan of 105 feet.The machine contain 8000 pounds weight(3600 KG).Basically it is designed to experiment the aerodynamic lift but it contain less flight controls like ran or rails.But it was completed in 1894 that take fly in the air with some damages and fly till 200 yard and then fall down to the ground badly.

Learning to glide
In the end of 19th century many experiments have shown to the world.Many keys are come to the show with the lack of refinement like a suitable engine, control and stability and control in the gliding.Then Biot just done the job that he made a bird-like glider that flew in the air fluetlently in 1879.The experiment was taken place in the France and it was the first complete aeroplane safe model and the only one in the mankind existence.

Later on then "Horatio Phillips " an Englishman add more part in the research of aerodynamics that prove the work of the two of the man one is "Cayley" and "Wenham".His work remove all the mistakes and confusion. A man known as the "Glider King" or "Flying Man" named "Otto Lilienthal", this man belongs to the Germany.In the 1884 he started his research and work by taking the help from the "Wenham's" work and then pblish his work later on in 1889.

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The Wright Brothers

Then later on Wright brothers come to the party.They also played important role.By using the methodologies their concentration point is the controlability and stability of the aircraft.In the time period of 1900 to 1902 they have done many experiment of kites and gliders and work hard to built the strong designs for the project.The wright brothers gliders work according to their plan but not as well as they have expected.Their first glider test was taken in 1900 but it work not well.As well as their second glider test was also done in the same century but it works more poorly than the first one.After both these failure the wright brothers do not lose their hopes they continue their work built up their own wind tunnel.The thing that makes the problem for the developer is the lift and turn concern.Later on the wright brothers have done the studies regarding this method and develop the devices to check and measure the lift drag and turn and many more aspects. As the result the wright brother succeeded in their mission and done the job and later on they have done the many more experiments to improve the aircraft research.

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