What Is The Bandwidth Limit? | Is This Pay To Play??



A friend of mine's son has joined Steemit. He does mainly Roblox videos. So far he is trying to show off his backlog from his YouTube Channel. Well last night he started noticing when he was trying to make a comment or make a blog post he was getting a strange message. It said " powerfusion bandwidth limit reached. Please wait to transact or power up STEEM ".


What Is This?

What makes this worse is that he has now made some Steem on his posts and can't withdraw it because this message pops up. So now he cannot Power Up his Steem because its saying he cannot until he Powers Up? So he has to pay to Power Up to earn Steem to Power Up? This is not right at all.

Can Someone Help?

Is there anyone out there that can help him? Please he really likes the platform and he is only 10. So this is very frustrating to him. Can you ReSteem this to help get the word out and find an answer?

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