HELP, please. I cannot login to SteemConnect is refusing to accept any of my keys/passwords. That includes the original generated password, the active key, the private active key and the owner (master) key.

None of them get me in.

My login details

When pasting in my keys, I have checked and there are no trailing blanks.
My username is correct (it gets a green tick).
In fact, the keys/passwords which I've pasted in also get a green tick each time.

Error messages

After clicking the "Sign In" button, I get an error message. Depending, it seems, on which key I have pasted in, the error message either says

  • "Error. Oops! Something went wrong!" or
  • "Password or key is not valid"

I've had no trouble creating posts or logging in to the Steemit system. Now I'd like to move forward with delegating, but I can't.

In two words... I'M STUCK.

What is your advice, please?

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