Seven Keys To Having A Magical Christmas Ever!

Seven Keys To Having A Magical Christmas Ever!

Merry Christmas guys! image

It's that moment of the year where there's just so much fun and aggressive enjoyment all over the world. Report has it that 25th December is the most anticipated day of the year.

A lot of people believe that Jesus Christ was born on this day, Many others dissagree to that assertion while a few others say that December 25th is not the birthday of Christ but is generally endorsed to be a day to celebrate God's gift to the World. Which ever school of thought you belong, is not the point.
The fact remains that People all over the world celebrate and enjoy this day including non Christians and even atheists.

*While eating, drinking and merrying, most have little or no idea on how to have the best Christmas ever year.

So I am about to reveal to you keys to optimizing this special day. I called them the Seven(7) Cardinal Keys to having A Magical Christmas Ever.

Without much ado, here we go!

Key1: The Key of Gratitude

Gratitude practice has a magical effect on life. The transformational power of saying "thank you " for specific blessings is almost unbelievable. image I called it counting your blessings. Here is how to go about this. To be on the same ground. Let's agree that we are celebrating the gift of God to Mankind. The greatest gift ever! The gift that changed the course of the world,So, >

  1. Take out a sheet of paper or most preferably bring out your journey.

  2. Sit up with a friend or loved one, one or two persons is fine. Try not to do this practice alone.

  3. Write out 25 things you're most grateful for in your entire life that you can't imagine a life without them.

4.Read it out loud to your friends, say and feel the emotions of gratitude. Tell them why you're so grateful for those things in your life.

  1. Say Thank you 3x for each of them. That's it!

Key 2 : Learn about Jesus

Take out Time to study intensively for at least 60minutes about the personality of Jesus Christ. Who was Jesus? What did he come to do? Who is Jesus Today and How relevant is he in our world today? Does he have any part in the future?

Now for this study. I recommend first and foremost the Four Gospel and the Revelation from the Holy Bible. And you can add any appropriate Christian materials. If you're sincere in this study. Key3 will follow automatically.

Key 3: (Re)-dedication:

If you're in Christ, go ahead and tell commit your life to the Lordship of Jesus Christ. If you're not a Christian, that's why you're reading this... Make Jesus the Lord of your life by Saying:

O Lord God, I believe with all my Heart that Jesus died and was raised up by your Glory. I boldly Declare him Lord of my life henforth! I am born again.

Key 4 :The Key of Quietness

*Take out your chair, find a quiet place and sit up for a while. Shut your eye and clear your thoughts. Just listen! Expect him. image He's going to talk to you. And whatever he tells you. Write it down. Do this exercise for at least 30 minutes.

Key 5: They Key of Soul Winning

Share your experience with Jesus. Tell someone about Jesus! imageShare whatever you know about him. If possible get any unbeliever saved. The Joy will be almost unbearable I promise you!

Key 6: The Key of Give! Give!! Give!!!

quoteRead my article @
Give your time, give your money, give your love and care. Just be uber kind today. Feed somebody today. Put a smile on a stranger's face today. image

In addition to this practice, giving is also for--giving. Forgive everybody and anybody no matter! Forgive and Enter into your kingdom and enjoy bliss! True bliss and inner Peace.

Key 7: The key of Time Out with Family, Friends and loved ones.
Have fun! Laugh and go see great movies together... Share the bliss, share the inner peace... imageEat the nicest meal today. Dress your best! Have a great time with people around you. Send and receive messages.

If you will do these things 70% will experience your most magical Christmas ever! Guaranteed.

Thank you for your time, I trust I have been of service and that this article serve you a great deal

I love you all. Thanks @ned + @jerrybanfield.
Thanks alot @ejemai, @tojukaka + @samstickz
*All images taken from Pinterest and google.

kindly resteem, upvote and respond. Feel free to follow me @basonrich for another beautiful content soon Take great care!

Best Regards *Bason Umoh*
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