Minnow Support : Where To Turn for Guidance? 🐟


Um... hello?

Minnow Looking for Friends

In this food chain analogy (that works really well), I am currently a minnow. Just getting my feet wet... oh, fish don't have feet. Well, just learning to swim here. And just like everyone who has been here before (with the exception of the architects (which now makes me think of the Matrix)), there is a learning curve.

A New Environment Can Be Challenging

When learning something, I throw myself into the materials and look at all the information I can. Until, it reaches a point where you need to ask another human (or fish). It becomes like a question and answer, and ultimately that guide or mentor points you in the right direction.

I think this situation applies to many things in life that don't have a set program. School for example they set a curriculum and have teachers that guide you. Work has programs and classes you can take. But in something novel, sometimes it's a roadmap on a napkin with a pat on the back saying "good luck kid".

Guidance at Steemit

I really want to succeed here at steemit. So I am pouring myself into it. Talking to people. Submitting pictures and posts. Reading how to's. Learning about the cryptocurrency markets. All of these things have been fascinating.

I am very grateful to the few nudges in the right direction that I've gotten from others here. And I'm very grateful for the upvotes from the larger fish and dolphins and whales that made my post go from .02 to $5. This support is very encouraging. I'm sure there must be some other minnows that are going through this I asked myself - to which I found the tag minnowsunite

Minnows Unite and Minnows Support

"minnows unite"... that's a slogan I can get behind. It's a big place here and having a few friends at the same level that are motivated and trying to make an impact I think would make a difference. It feels like those that are at a higher level are too important sometimes to really help. I'm sure someone might say that there are great guides here, but I just haven't seen the sign yet. Someday, I aspire to be a guide here, someone that helps people find what they are looking for. Helping them to learn the ropes and become part of the system and rewarded by making it stronger.

The 2 questions I have for some other minnows (and I don't want to bother the dolphins and whales) but:

what is tagging a post minnowsunite for?


what is tagging minnowsupport/minnowsupportproject for?

I am tagging this post minnowsunite because it is all about that subject. But with the whole tagging system, as a noob, I certainly don't want to do something I'm not allowed to. Or I don't want to do something that is frowned upon.

As for minnowsupportproject - I have read about this as well. To my understanding it's a system that you sign up for that is built upon a bunch of bots that automatically upvote your posts (in hopes that the numbers of votes will give some momentum). I think it's available to anyone under 500 followers and 5000 SteemPower. I was thinking about signing up, but it seems a bit complex. Bots in the ocean? I think it's just because I don't get it. But does that mean I can only use the tag if I'm in that project? Again - I don't want to do something that is frowned upon here (and I think many people that are starting out in anything can relate)

Hopefully, these answers will help me better understand. And further, anyone else who reads this and the comments to better understand. Thanks in advance for the support and answered questions and I look forward to continuing on this journey here in the big blue expanse.


Follow : @joe01

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