We desperately need your help!

Hi everyone, both myself and my fiancee Scarlet ( @alcklatiainasia ) would like to ask you all for some help..
We need to leave the UK due to Scarlet being harassed by her so called family who have tracked her down even though she had moved up to Scotland with me from Wales..

It's not just that, she's being targeted and attacked and it's a freaking nightmare so we've decided to just leave and go somewhere safe and due to the fact that I have got some friends and adopted family in Thailand, we have decided to go there so we'd really appreciate any and all help that you could all provide as my fiancee has set up a Fundly campaign just so we can get away..

Please take a look at Scarlets Fundly as it contains the full story that she had wrote and once she has submitted her own story / post here on Steemit I will link it to that.

The link is: https://gogetfunding.com/scarletfunds/

Thanks so very much!

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