HistoryIAIN, is an abbreviation of the State Islamic Institute and the Ar-Raniry word attributed to IAIN Banda Aceh is the name of a great Ulama and mufti who was very influential in the reign of Sultan Iskandar Tsani (reigned in 1637-1641)


HistoryIAIN is an abbreviation of the State Islamic Institute and the Ar-Raniry word attributed to IAIN Banda Aceh is the name of a great Ulama and mufti who was very influential in the reign of Sultan Iskandar Tsani (reigned in 1637-1641). The great scholar is the full name of Sheikh Nur al-Din Ar-Raniry from Ranir (now Rander) in Gujarat, India. He has given a very valuable contribution to the development of Islamic thought in Southeast Asia, especially in Aceh.The Early Birth of IAIN Ar-Raniry with the establishment of the Faculty of Shari'ah in 1960 and the Faculty of Tarbiyah in 1962 as a branch of IAIN Sunan Kalidjaga Yogyakarta. In 1962, Ushuluddin Faculty was also established as a private faculty in Banda Aceh. After several years as a branch of IAIN Yogyakarta, the faculty of Shari'ah, Tarbiyah and Ushuluddin took to IAIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta for six months. On October 5, 1963 IAIN Ar-Raniry officially stood up with the issuance of the Decree of the Minister of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia Number 89 of 1963 and inaugurated by the Minister of Religious Affairs K.H Saifuddin Zuhri.IAIN Ar-Raniry became the third IAIN in the archipelago after IAIN Sunan Kalidjaga Yogyakarta and IAIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta. The newly inaugurated start has three faculties, namely Faculty of Shari'ah, Faculty of Tarbiyah and Faculty of Ushuluddin. In 1968 precisely 5 years IAIN Ar-Raniry, inaugurated the Faculty of Da'wah and became the first faculty in the environment IAIN in Indonesia. In 1968, IAIN Ar-Raniry was appointed as the parent of two state-run religious faculties in Medan (the forerunner of IAIN North Sumatra), the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Syari'ah which lasted for 5 years. While in 1983 the Faculty of Adab officially became one of the 5 faculties in the IAIN Ar-Raniry neighborhood.In the first year of its birth, IAIN still expects assistance from various walks of life in Aceh, especially in terms of teaching and learning needs. Like a newborn child, everything must be taken care of by his parents. In that context, all layers of Acehnese society should be able to provide assistance in any form for educational purposes at IAIN. As written in the report signed by the power of Rector I Drs. H. Ismail Muhammad Sjah.President Sukarno in the speech of the first natalist dies IAIN Ar-Raniry said that in Aceh should give birth to national figures who are able to continue the rovolution and the nation's struggle and loyal to Pancasila as the country's bow. IAIN must be a breeding ground for revolutionary cadres that guard the spirit of national tolerance and unity. All that must be embedded in the soul of educators, teachers and students.Following its development as an Islamic higher education institution, IAIN has demonstrated its strategic role and significance for community development and development. Its graduates are able to carry out mandate in various government and private institutions, including outside Aceh, even abroad. Alumni have been involved in various professions, whether related to religious social, or related to other public aspect. This institution has spawned many leaders in this area, eitherformal and informal leaders.Right on 5 October 2013 genab 50 years old, usually this year is called the golden year. Coinciding with that year the College will change its face and name from Institutut to University through PERPRES no. 64 of 2013 issued and entered into force on 1 October 2013 under the name of Ar-Raniry State Islamic University (UIN Ar-Raniry).Thus, from 1 October 2013 also the name of IAIN Ar-Raniry began to be erased legally, and over time also will be erased little by little from within the hearts of the people of Aceh in particular, and the people of Indonesia, as well as other communities in the world in general. For that, for the children of the successor of the nation can know that there is ever Insti

Source http://www.ar-raniry.ac.id/sejarah

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