"Let's Get To Know Each Other" Challenge by @blog-fictions

My dearest Beauty and Gent Steemians!!!

I do hope you are rocking a pompous Tuesssssday..

As I was lazily glaring up on my phone as I ready myself for my nightly Steem Engagement (sssssshhhhhh the baby is sleeping...), I received a tagged by the lovely and adoringly sweet @eveningart of the WW Family @welcomewagon. She wanted me and my fellow graduates to join in the splash fun of GET TO KNOW CHALLENGE by @blog-fictions! Please click ALICE for the direct link.

Alright, let's get this on!!


I think Im shakingly ready.. hahaha... sorry I cant help it..


If you could trade lives with anyone for a day who would it be and why?


Yep! I would trade my life for Princess Fiona anytime for a day. Its not that I aint contented of my life, I am!! But my curious self would want to try something magical. Every girls dream is to become a princess someday. But I dont wanna wait for my strikingly and ruggedly handsome prince charming to keep saving me. I believe that I am capable of rescuing myself once in a while.

I want what any princess wants - to live happily ever after... with the ogre I married.

I had fallen in love with that quote. Life is tough to live alone. Find an ogre who could laugh at your silly jokes or a donkey that will never ever leave you behind.

A little fact about me.... Just like the Ogres.... i fart a lot!! hahahahaha... better out than in as Shrek always say!
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What would you do on Mars for fun?


Oh yeah!!! Let's groove it down baby!

I shake it off, I shake it off
I, I shake it off, I shake it off
I, I shake it off, I shake it off
I, I shake it off, I shake it off

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If you could get yourself anything what would you get?

I would like to have my WINGS please.. I want to fly, I have loads of happy thoughts!!

Want to spread my wings and fly
Away into the sky
How I dream to be so free
No more sadness no more pain
No more anger no more hate
How I dream to have those wings and fly into the sky
If now, I could grant my wish
I'd wish to have those wings
Those wings just like the birds
That fly up in the air
by Wings to Fly of Susan Boyle
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Describe the perfect kiss in 3 words!



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What is the first thing you notice in the opposite sex?

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EYES! Definitely, I would often wonder of those gorgeous blue eyes of yours are staring back at me.. would you care to agree with me miss @dreemsteem??
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If you had access to a time machine, where and when would you go?

I would fancy for a CAR TIME MACHINE!
Hmmmmmm... I wouldn't go too far and back at the past. I would like to take the opportunity TODAY. I'll swing by at all my WW Family's Home and have a cup of chocolate drink with the luscious cake with each of them. I wanna meet them all in person. Oh! that would be so much fun... Anyone who wants to come with me in my journey, is welcome to hop in!
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What is the strangest thing you believed as a child?

I had believed that CASPER was real!!!
Oh! You know him, Casper the friendly ghost! I have always thought that all dead people have unfinished business. I mean who wants to die! So, they have to fulfill their last wish before they could cross over.
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Do you believe in Aliens and why?

YES!!!!! That is if you are a fan of MIB. You would doubt any living creatures are not what they seem to be.

or you would have never seen this ALIEN dance!!
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Tell me about something you really regret!

Maybe I should have started making babies in my middle twenties. So, I would not be afraid of the complications at giving birth. I am now at my 30's and im pretty scared of having a third one. I feel I cant bear the pain any more, I had been traumatized with the pain I have had with my second. Though I wanted for a baby girl, a little me. But... but... there is no certainty of having a girl, I might have another boy... oh boy!!!

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Do you feel any of the above questions did not make any sense?

YESSSS!! hahahaha it made me more crazier than ever. I feel good doing it anyway.
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With that done, I'd like to spread the craziness to my fellow Steemians.
@dreemsteem @bluefinstudios @twodorks @febemarie25 @anishag @arslanyasir @smithlabs @vincy

The rules are simple :

  • Make a post to answer these below questions and on that post nominate two or more friends as I have done below.Your nominated friends would then make a post to answer and then nominate their friends on it and the trend would go on...

  • Every post that's been created should contain the link to my Original Post

  • Use the main hashtag as alicequestions

  • Nomination not compulsory for participation

I cant wait to read yours, do tag me babies! BYE!!

sources: google, twitter, pinterest, giphy, skyrock, thescienceexplorer

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