How ready are you to succeed?

Are you prepared for success? Earl Nightingale once said that if a person does not prepare for his success when his opportunity comes, it will only make him look foolish. You have probably heard it, that luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity.


There are series of things you can do to become ready for success:

Constantly plant seeds for your sucess.

Make sure to be well groomed and well dressed.

Surround yourself with people who are more successful than you are.

Release fear of failure.

Each day do the best you can with what you have.

Always seek to create value.

Honor Your worth.

Take responsibility for yourself.

Expect success.


Thus, all these activities require self discipline and good deal of faith. The big question is when the angel of success knocks on your door, will you be ready?

Thank you for reading 😊✌

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