Procrastination the Killer of Dreams

Hello, fellow Steemians!
How often to you postpone what should be done to when you think would be more comfortable?
Life is a journey and no man can reclaim Time already Expended.
Dreams are part of the Human Nature, which involves a mental processing of things to achieve, do and to expect.
" Expectation is the mother of all Invention".
Hey, why wait for another time when you can't Recover time.
One thing that deny you achieving your dreams is fear. F.E.A.R ( False Evidence Appearing Real).
You may never know what you are capable of unless you try......
Confront your Fears and you will never feel its presence.
Procrastination is not a person but habit that could steal your dreams.
I know everyone wants the best time and most comfortable time to act but there is nothing like that. You either deal with it or it waits for you.
Deal with it or else it will deal with you.
I remain you moscobright.....FB_IMG_15165286147433719.jpg

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